HeartMath Institute

Browse our section.We invite you to browse the HeartMath Institute’s extensive collection of research studies, articles and other materials.

85 results

GCI Boards

The Global Coherence Initiative is an international effort that seeks to help activate the heart of...

Global Coherence Research

Global coherence research encompasses a large variety of scientific data to gain new insights into t...

The Sun, Earth, Moon & People: It's All Connected

Scientists believe the earth's constantly changing electromagnetic fields can affect your day-to-day...

New Race – A Journal of Integral & Future Studies: Human Unity

The Global Coherence Initiative (GCI) is a multifaceted, international research endeavor investigati...

Love Synchronizes Our Hearts With Each Other and the Earth

In a recent global study, researchers at HeartMath Institute – along with collaborators in Lit...

Global Coherence

Participate in the Global Coherence Community, a science-based initiative where we can collectively...

Add Heart to Our Planet Earth

During this month's Add Heart Call, host Deborah Rozman, HeartMath President and CEO, and guest Jude...

Global Coherence, Healing Meditations Using HeartMath Applications During COVID-19 Lockdown

On 31 December 2019, Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) was declared a pandemic, requiring emergenc...

NOAA ACE Solar Wind Speed & GOES Magnetometer

The National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration’s ACE Solar Wind Speed & GOES Magnetometer...