HeartMath Institute
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Successful entrepreneurs are innovators and risk-takers who appear to have an extraordinary ability to know where future business opportunities will eventuate and how to profitably actualize these ventures. The patterns of thought and action displayed by entrepreneurs are thus informed by an unusual...
Successful entrepreneurs are innovators and risk-takers who appear to have an extraordinary ability...
Objectives This study aims to contribute to a scientific understanding of intuition, a process by which information normally outside the range of conscious awareness is perceived by the body’s psychophysiological systems. The first objective, presented in two empirical reports (Part 1 and...
Objectives This study aims to contribute to a scientific understanding of intuition, a process by wh...
Heartfelt positive emotions, such as love, appreciation, care and compassion, have long been associated with spiritual experience. However, because of a fundamental lack of mental and emotional self-management, such emotions, and associated experiences of increased spiritual connectedness, remain la...
Heartfelt positive emotions, such as love, appreciation, care and compassion, have long been associa...
There is considerable scientific rationale to support the use of music to enhance immunity via its powerful influence on emotions. Music’s ability to alter mood and emotional state has long been known experientially, and more recently has been scientifically documented. Likewise, it is well re...
There is considerable scientific rationale to support the use of music to enhance immunity via its p...
The idea that an energy exchange of some type occurs between individuals is a central theme in many healing techniques. This concept has often been disputed by Western science due to the lack of a plausible mechanism to explain the nature of this energy or how it could affect or facilitate the heali...
The idea that an energy exchange of some type occurs between individuals is a central theme in many...