HeartMath Institute

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146 results

Early HeartSmarts Study

Researchers at the HeartMath Institute announced recently the results of a study in which children i...

An Appreciative Heart is Good Medicine

Psychologists once maintained that emotions were purely mental expressions generated by the brain al...

Can Stress Be Reduced by Using Heart Coherence?

In this study the human being is presented as a dynamic system, that functions in continuously chang...

Webinar Explains Coherence, How to Rewire Brain

In view of the current economic crisis, stress has soared to critical levels in many parts of the wo...

Finding Social and Global Coherence

Most people understand that certain people in our lives can have a profound influence on us: our par...

Mother-Baby Study Supports Heart-Brain Interactions

Is there a greater bond than that of mother and baby? The preliminary findings of a recent study pro...

Study Shows HeartMath Techniques Help Improve Memory

We have frequently received reports from students, professionals, and other practitioners of the Hea...

Electrophysiological Evidence of Intuition: Part 1. The Surprising Role of the Heart

Objectives This study aims to contribute to a scientific understanding of intuition, a process by wh...

Influence of Cardiac Afferent Input on Heart-Brain Synchronization and Cognitive Performance

Deciphering the relationships between emotional states and physiological processes is critical to br...

Psychophysiological Coherence: A Proposed Link Among Appreciation

While psychology has primarily focused on improving health and well-being by reducing negative emoti...