HeartMath Institute

Browse our section.We invite you to browse the HeartMath Institute’s extensive collection of research studies, articles and other materials.

74 results

Health FAQs

Health FAQs Question: I have hypertension/high blood pressure. What research do you have on this and...


HeartMath Institute certification and training programs combine the latest science of heart intellig...

Research Library

HeartMath Institute Research Library We invite you to browse the HeartMath Institute’s extensi...

Stress Got You Down on the Job?

Very important memo to self, staff! — What can WE do to make this a better place to work? That...

Abstract Modeling of Events in a Recurrent Half-Yearly Adynamia with Internal and/or External, e.g.,...

Whenever an internal desynchronization in frequency occurs, the possibility of beats arises, as foun...

Children and Media Technology

The amount of time children spend using media technology today, including computers, cell phones, vi...

Treatment of Anxiety and Stress With Biofeedback

"Kate" is a thin, attractive 50-year-old perimenopausal woman who considers herself "...

Navy Gets The Coherence Advantage

HeartMath is teaching thousands of personnel in the U.S. Armed Forces how to use its science-based t...

The Heart of Grinnell: What Makes a Healthy Community?

The world’s oldest cities date back more than 10,000 years, but humans actually began living togethe...