HeartMath Institute

Browse our section.We invite you to browse the HeartMath Institute’s extensive collection of research studies, articles and other materials.

51 results

Applying Resilience Promotion Training Among Special Forces Police Officers

Police Special Forces (a.k.a. special weapons and tactics ) officers are tasked with responding to t...

Solution for Anxiety

Everyone worries occasionally, but constant worry could signal unhealthy stress and anxiety levels....

Research FAQs

Research FAQs Question: What is Heart intelligence? Answer: Heart intelligence is the flow of intuit...

Coherence: Bridging Personal, Social and Global Health

It is one of the most talked about human physiological processes today – at research centers like th...

Patience, Art of Intelligent Waiting

Life unfolds in spite of our impatience. The misfortune of it is that because of our impatience we d...

Navy Gets The Coherence Advantage

HeartMath is teaching thousands of personnel in the U.S. Armed Forces how to use its science-based t...

The State of Ease

You may have heard a lot lately about ease, inner ease and the state of ease from HeartMath. Merriam...

You Can Change Your DNA

When we are born, the deoxyribonucleic acid/DNA in our bodies contains the blueprints for who we are...

Nine Ways to Ease Your Money Worries

Feel a knot in your stomach when you sit down to pay the bills each month? Wake up in the middle of...

PTSD May Be Greatest Injury of War Today

PTSD May Be Greatest Injury of War Today From time immemorial, war has exacted a huge emotional toll...