HeartMath Institute

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475 results

The Resonant Heart

Heart Field: An electromagnetic field produced through the heart that can be detected sever al feet...

The Grateful Heart: The Psychophysiology of Appreciation

Throughout history and across diverse cultures, religions, and spiritual traditions, the heart has b...

Electrophysiological Evidence of Intuition: Part 1. The Surprising Role of the Heart

Objectives This study aims to contribute to a scientific understanding of intuition, a process by wh...

Electrophysiological Evidence of Intuition: Part 2. A System-Wide Process?

Objectives This study aims to contribute to a scientific understanding of intuition, a process by wh...

Neurocardiology: Anatomical and Functional Principles

Learn about the heart brain. The author, pioneer neurocardiologist/researcher Dr. J. Andrew Armour d...

Modulation of DNA Conformation by Heart-Focused Intention

Cell biologist Dr. Glen Rein had conceived of the idea that DNA would make a good target for testing...

Influence of Cardiac Afferent Input on Heart-Brain Synchronization and Cognitive Performance

Deciphering the relationships between emotional states and physiological processes is critical to br...

The Energetic Heart: Bioelectromagnetic Interactions Within and Between People

This fascinating monograph, The Energetic Heart explains the bioelectromagnetic interactions within...

A Controlled Pilot Study of Stress Management Training of Elderly Patients With Congestive Heart Fai...

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of stress management training on quality of lif...

Heart Rhythm Coherence – An Emerging Area of Biofeedback

The analysis of heart rate variability (HRV), or heart rhythms, provides a reliable measure of auton...