HeartMath Institute

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475 results

New Study Further Supports Intuition

In conjunction with the continuing intuition research at the HeartMath Institute, HMI Research Cente...

The Heart of Grinnell: What Makes a Healthy Community?

The world’s oldest cities date back more than 10,000 years, but humans actually began living togethe...

The Energetic Heart Is Unfolding

Consider the amazing human heart, the organ that pumps life-giving oxygenated and nutrient-rich bloo...

Coherence Training In Children With Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Cognitive Functions an...

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most prevalent behavioral diagnosis in childr...

The Heart of Grinnell: A Community-Wide Rural Health Wellness Initiative: A Pilot Observational Stud...

In 2007, the leadership team at Grinnell Regional Medical Center participated in a pilot project wit...

Heart Rate Variability During Two Relaxation Techniques in Post-MI Men

Ischemic heart disease (IHD) is rapidly becoming the leading cause of death in developing countries...

Emotion Self-Regulation, Psychophysiological Coherence, and Test Anxiety: Results from an Experiment...

This study investigated the effects of a novel, classroom-based emotion self-regulation program (Tes...

Resilience Picks You Up, Keeps You Going

From childhood through our golden years, we all are bound to experience our share of challenges – me...

Pets: Making a Connection That’s Healthy for Humans

Pets: Making a Connection That’s Healthy for Humans We feed them, groom them and sometimes eve...

3-Year-Old Shines With Children and Adults

Kids: Just when you think you’ve heard it all, along comes … well, Sydney.   Sydney is the 3-year-ol...