HeartMath Institute

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51 results

Study Looks at Coherence and Feeling States

Study Looks at Coherence and Feeling States Researchers at HeartMath Institute and elsewhere have un...

Love as an Advanced Mode of Intelligence

Love as an Advanced Mode of Intelligence What is love? It is a question sure to elicit a great many...

Psychoneuroimmunology in Patients with HIV in Recovery from Substance Use: The Effect of Heart Rhyth...

This study used a biofeedback intervention that taught patients how to synchronize their heart rhyth...

Inner Dignity: Yours to Nurture

Inner Dignity: Yours to Nurture A water carrier in a desert land who is always pleasant and never br...

Police Officers: In Search of Coherence and Resilience

Police Officers: In Search of Coherence and Resilience Editor’s note: Police departments nationwide...


Bibliography Gahery, Y. and D. Vigier, Inhibitory effects in the cuneate nucleus produced by vago-ao...

Chapter 08: Health Outcome Studies

Health Outcome Studies “Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease.” Hippo...

Chapter 05: Establishing a New Baseline

Establishing a New Baseline At the HMI Research Center, we have found that the heart plays a central...

Independent European Studies Show Promise for Coherence Training in New Areas of Mental Illnesses

Two 2015 pilot studies conducted independently in neighboring European nations shared similar object...

Inner Peace Through Inner Ease

Inner Peace Through Inner Ease We hope and pray to find peace in our lives when we are challenged by...