HeartMath Institute

Browse our section.We invite you to browse the HeartMath Institute’s extensive collection of research studies, articles and other materials.

180 results

HeartMath Appreciation Tool and Exercises

HeartMath® Appreciation Tool™ and Exercises An effective way to improve mental, emotional,...

Doctoral Research Project Explores Healing with Heart-Focused Prayer/Compassion Meditation

Core HeartMath research and principals figured prominently in a recent doctoral research project tha...

The Therapeutic Role of the Practitioner’s Heart in Classical Chinese Medicine and Modern Medi...

This critical literature review focuses on the therapeutic role of the practitioner’s heart, w...

Life According to Your ‘Heart Blueprint’

Now and then we all take a moment to look at the life we are living and daydream about how our futur...

Personality and Heart Rate Variability

Research shows how intimately the heart is involved in the processes and proper functioning of the h...

HeartMath Best Practices Conference, 17 Abstracts

Fairfield Medical Center is a 222-bed community hospital located in Lancaster, Ohio. Organizational...

Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback in Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment

Strategies are needed to improve adolescent substance abuse treatment outcomes. For example, during...

Heart Intelligence

Heart intelligence is the flow of awareness, understanding and intuition we experience when the mind...

Take a Wild Ride to the Heart

“Emotional development in children is crucial and yet severely disregarded,” says a well...

The Heart of Grinnell: What Makes a Healthy Community?

The world’s oldest cities date back more than 10,000 years, but humans actually began living togethe...