HeartMath Institute

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300 results

Heart’s Role In The Human Body: A Literature Review

Heart in the human body is a muscular organ that pumps blood to the different organs. However, there...

Heart Coherence Increases Order of Crystallization Patterns in Dried Saliva

Twenty volunteers participated in a pilot study on the effect of coherence practice on the ordering...

Utilizing Heartbeat Evoked Potentials to Identify Cardiac Regulation of Vagal Afferents During Emoti...

The importance of the bi-directional communication between the heart and brain has been known for ov...

Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback in Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment

Strategies are needed to improve adolescent substance abuse treatment outcomes. For example, during...

Can Biofeedback Technology Help Young Children “Learn” to Relax in School?

Research over the years has identified a number of stresses and anxiety periods for children during...

Evaluation of Heart Rhythm Coherence Feedback Training on Physiological and Psychological Variables

HeartMath refers to a psychophysiological approach dedicated to helping people establish heartbased...


If there is one word you should add to your vocabulary today, tomorrow or soon, it is coherence. All...

What is Intuition?

Intuition is the process of perceiving or knowing something without conscious reasoning: knowledge o...

HeartMath Helping Students at StarShine Academy

The headmaster of the Phoenix, Ariz., campus of the K-12 StarShine Academy says HeartMath has been a...

Children and Media Technology

The amount of time children spend using media technology today, including computers, cell phones, vi...