HeartMath Institute

Browse our section.We invite you to browse the HeartMath Institute’s extensive collection of research studies, articles and other materials.

475 results

Chapter 11: Global Coherence Research

Global Coherence Research:Human-Earth Interconnectivity Every cell in our body is bathed in an exter...

Chapter 07: Intuition Research

Intuition Research:Coherence and the Surprising Role of the Heart Raising individual...

Exploring Person-Centered Accountability as a Complementary Approach to Regulatory-Centered Accounta...

Accountability in healthcare tends to dominate discussions focused on improving the quality of care,...

Research FAQs

Research FAQs Question: What is Heart intelligence? Answer: Heart intelligence is the flow of intuit...

Education Research

Education Research Studies The HeartMath Institute has dedicated 24 years of scientific research int...


On This Page Research Sections Spotlight HRV Services Related Links Donate Social Fulfillment Global...

Research Library

HeartMath Institute Research Library We invite you to browse the HeartMath Institute’s extensi...

Featured Research

On This Page Human-Earth Connectivity Tree Research Related Links Donate Adopt A Scientist Global Co...

Doctoral Research Project Explores Healing with Heart-Focused Prayer/Compassion Meditation

Core HeartMath research and principals figured prominently in a recent doctoral research project tha...

HeartMath Research Projects in 2010

Can individuals who achieve high states of heart-rate variability coherence (HRV) raise the HRV cohe...