HeartMath Institute

Browse our section.We invite you to browse the HeartMath Institute’s extensive collection of research studies, articles and other materials.

51 results

HeartMath Converges With South African Tradition

HeartMath Converges With South African Tradition Umuntu ngumuntu ngabant is a Zulu proverb that tran...

Smart Brain Wise Heart e-Learning, Boys & Girls Clubs

Smart Brain Wise Heart™ e-Learning Program for Boys & Girls Clubs We are excited to intro...

Heart Hologramming Who You Want to Be

ho-lo-gram — a three-dimensional image created by directing two coherent light sources such as...

HeartMath Institute and HeartMath System FAQs

HeartMath Institute and HeartMath System FAQs Question: Why “HeartMath”? Answer: Although the words...

Doctoral Research Project Explores Healing with Heart-Focused Prayer/Compassion Meditation

Core HeartMath research and principals figured prominently in a recent doctoral research project tha...

HeartMath Research Projects in 2010

Can individuals who achieve high states of heart-rate variability coherence (HRV) raise the HRV cohe...

New Electrophysiological Correlates Associated with Intentional Heart Focus

This work utilizes the measurement of heart rate variability (HRV) as a vehicle to show that continu...

Inroads In Trauma Treatment: Self-Regulating Emotions

Inroads In Trauma Treatment: Self-Regulating Emotions "The subjective experience of trauma is u...

The Global Field Environment: Why Love Matters

Earth is constantly bathed in electromagnetic fields that connect and affect every living organism o...