HeartMath Institute

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475 results

Up-Lift 2018 – Raising Our Higher Consciousness Capacity Activating the Global Heart

Up-Lift 2018 – Raising Our Higher Consciousness Capacity Activating the Global Heart Howa...

Global Coherence App - Terms of Use

The Global Coherence App, including hardware, software and documentation is furnished under license...

One-Minute Deep Breathing Assessment and its Relationship to 24-h Heart Rate Variability Measurement...

Heart rate variability (HRV), the change in the time intervals between successive pairs of heartbeat...

Heart Rate Variability and Cognitive Bias Feedback Interventions to Prevent Post-deployment PTSD: Re...

Introduction There is a long history of pre-deployment PTSD prevention efforts in the military and e...

Scientific Foundation of the HeartMath System

HeartMath Institute Research Director discusses why heart coherence is essential in stress managemen...

HeartMath Institute Science

HeartMath Institute has dedicated over 25 years of scientific research into the study of the physiol...

The Influence of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity on Human Heart Rhythms

Video abstract of the new study by the HeartMath Institute, Long-Term Study of HRV Responses to Chan...

Increase Performances in Ski-Biathlon by Reducing Anxiety Stress Using Mental Training Techniques

The aims of this study are: to modify dysfunctional negative emotions during competition, by using m...

How Science Validates Ancient Spiritual Traditions About the Heart

During this 30-minute live call, we draw on HeartMath research and techniques while focusing on a re...

Study Shows Geomagnetic Fields and Solar Activity Affect Human Autonomic Nervous System Functions

Study Shows Geomagnetic Fields and Solar Activity Affect Human Autonomic Nervous System Functio...