HeartMath Institute

Browse our section.We invite you to browse the HeartMath Institute’s extensive collection of research studies, articles and other materials.

146 results

Solution for Anxiety

Everyone worries occasionally, but constant worry could signal unhealthy stress and anxiety levels....

Solution for Stress

You rush from place to place to keep up with obligations at home, school, work and socially. Life ke...

Research FAQs

Research FAQs Question: What is Heart intelligence? Answer: Heart intelligence is the flow of intuit...

emWave Technology FAQs

emWave Technology FAQs Question: Is the emWave technology like a heart-rate monitor? Answer: The emW...

Military Service Appreciation Initiative – Application Form

HeartMath Military Service Appreciation Initiative Application Overview The Military Service Appreci...

Parenting: Teens Ages 12-18

Parenting Teens Ages 12-18+ HeartMath Institute understands raising healthy, curious and genuinely h...

Self-Regulation Technology

SELF-REGULATION TECHNOLOGY Getting in Sync for School and Life HeartMath’s emWave technology has bee...

Education Research

Education Research Studies The HeartMath Institute has dedicated 24 years of scientific research int...


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Research Library

HeartMath Institute Research Library We invite you to browse the HeartMath Institute’s extensi...