HeartMath Institute

Browse our section.We invite you to browse the HeartMath Institute’s extensive collection of research studies, articles and other materials.

180 results

Study Shows Geomagnetic Fields and Solar Activity Affect Human Autonomic Nervous System Functions

Study Shows Geomagnetic Fields and Solar Activity Affect Human Autonomic Nervous System Functio...

Journal Cites, Importance of and Strategies For Social Coherence

Journal Cites, Importance of and Strategies For Social Coherence Being out of sorts, or off our game...


On This Page Pre-K Through 12th Grade Self-Regulation Technology Child Mental Health College an...

Effects of Geomagnetic, Solar and Other Factors on Humans

Effects of Geomagnetic, Solar and Other Factors on Humans "All biological systems on Earth are...

Try a Little Kindness

Try a Little Kindness Everyone loves that warm heart feeling they get when they do something kind fo...

Stress Is on the Rise: Take Action!

Stress Is on the Rise: Take Action! Editor’s note: Besides discussing the rise of stress in th...

Global Tree Monitoring Network

Global Tree Monitoring Network Tree Research Project: Phase 2 Something about trees. … a...

The Sunshine Secret Story Book

The Sunshine Secret Story Book As featured in The Sunshine Secret™ Interactive e-Learning...

Study Looks at Coherence and Feeling States

Study Looks at Coherence and Feeling States Researchers at HeartMath Institute and elsewhere have un...

Syrian Refugees Find Emotional Ease Amid Chaos

Syrian Refugees Find Ease Amid Chaos The following article is about the compassionate care Majd Kam-...