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Jeff Goelitz

(831) 338-8713

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Practical Social and Emotional Intelligence Programs

HeartMath programs and technologies help students learn and develop greater social and emotional awareness and self-regulation skills. These critical skills build a solid foundation for improved mental and emotional health, positive social behavior and relationships and academic excellence, all of which are essential for success and well-being in today’s fast-paced, complex world.

Benefits of Our Educational Programs

Students who participate in HeartMath programs and use its technologies show significant improvements in impulse control, readiness, academic focus, decision-making and in getting along better with teachers, peers and parents.

Pre-K Through 12th-Grade

All HeartMath classroom and blended e-learning programs include evidence-based, age-appropriate resilience-building and self-regulation techniques and methods that are used in thousands of schools, homes, youth agencies and clinics worldwide.

Self-Regulation Technology

The research-based emWave® is widely used by school counselors, teachers, behavioral health specialists, parents, and other youth specialists. Students with a wide variety of behavioral issues quickly learn how to regulate their mental and emotional systems leading to improved locus of control, focus, and decision-making. emWave is also being used as part of trauma-recovery interventions.

Self-Regulation Technology

34 Years of Dedicated Research Informs Our Educational Programs

The HeartMath Institute has dedicated 34 years of scientific research into the study of the physiology of learning, emotions and performance. Over a dozen education-related studies, most published in peer-reviewed journals, have shown statistically-significant outcomes with a variety of student populations.

Science-based, peer-reviewed. Learn More

NEW Blended e-Learning Social and Emotional Programs

HeartMath Institute has recently released two interactive blended learning programs for classroom and home. These programs offer wonderful opportunities for students to learn about and increase their social and emotional intelligence. Ages 3-6 and 9-16. More programs are forthcoming in the near future.

Child Mental and Emotional Health – Establishing a New Baseline for Behavioral Change.

Early intervention strategies using HeartMath’s self-regulation techniques and emWave® technologies have helped thousands of children neutralize symptoms of ADHD, anxiety, anger, mood swings, loss of focus and motivation, social phobia, trauma, substance abuse and more. These strategies have been especially helpful for those students who require one or more of the following:

  • 504 plans
  • Individual Education Plans (IEP’s)
  • Response to Intervention plans (RTI’s)
  • Academic modifications and accommodations
  • Behavior management plans

College and University

By using HeartMath programs, colleges and universities address the intense demands and pressure of higher learning and the need for greater energy reserves, resilience and emotional flexibility. Counseling centers that use HeartMath programs are able to help students more effectively deal with stress and overwhelm, test anxiety, behavioral issues and more.

Professional Development & Staff Well-Being

HeartMath training and certification programs are designed for counselors, psychologists, teachers, administrators, professors and consultants. Numerous independent, peer-reviewed studies have validated significant and sustained improvements such as reduced stress, improved employee health, well-being, lower health-care costs, shorter meeting times and increased productivity and resilience.


Educational Programs Educational Programs

Every purchase supports the work of HMI’s outreach programs.

Call for a free Consultation

(831) 338-8515