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From the Mouths of Babes

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From the Mouths of Babes

People from many places and walks of life have shared stories with the HeartMath Institute over the years about their emWave® experiences. Each one reinforces IHM’s commitment to its mission of helping to establish heart-based living and global coherence by inspiring people to connect with the intelligence and guidance of their own hearts.

The institute receives stories regularly about how the emWave Pro (formerly PC® Stress Relief System) or handheld emWave® 2 (formerly Personal Stress Reliever®) has helped individuals learn to manage their stress, control their anger, sleep better at night and countless other ways they have utilized it to improve their lives. Some say it helps them regularly to boost their energy, something all of us could use a little more of in these fast-paced, challenging times.

And then there’s Gideon, whose grandmother recently wrote to the institute.

“I gave an emWave to my grandson,” Judith Glaser said. “He fell in love with it. He is 6. I told him it’s to help us learn how to stay in ‘happy,’ which, for Gideon, is important.”

When he was 4 Gideon began to cry one day after bumping his head, said Glaser, cofounder of the Creating WE Institute,, an organization that is engaged in researching and bringing innovative ideas, solutions and new outcomes to the workplace.

“Then he said ‘I want happy back.’ So when he learned he could find Happy using the emWave, he wanted to wear it (the emWave 2) a lot. He showed me how to find Happy on the computer version, which I had not been able to find before. I even got a full rainbow in the Rainbow game! He also told me, when you ‘try too hard’ and ‘focus too much,’ you can’t find Happy. From the mouths of babes.”