HeartMath Institute

Browse our section.We invite you to browse the HeartMath Institute’s extensive collection of research studies, articles and other materials.

475 results

Connecting Hearts: Understanding the Research of the Symbiotic Relationship Between Horses and Human...

The meaningful bonds that can exist between people and horses have been shared widely across time an...

Donate - HeartMath Institute Research

HMI's donors are making a difference! Your support allows HMI to create and distribute programs that...

Donate - Tree Research Project

HeartMath researchers currently are investigating the Tree Research Project Phase 2, the Global Tree...

Design Research Compendium 2020

Stress, anxiety, overwhelm, frustration have become a part of our everyday life now, especially in t...

Interconnectivity Research Project

HMI is conducting innovative research on the interconnectivity between human consciousness and Earth...

Empowering Coherent Groups: New Frontiers in Social Coherence Research and Development

Empowering Coherent Groups: New Frontiers in Social Coherence Research and Development Rol...

New Frontiers in Heart Rate Variability and Social Coherence Research: Techniques, Technologies, and...

Concepts embraced by the term coherence have been identified as central to fields such as quantum ph...

Interconnectivity Tree Research Project

HeartMath Institute's tree research project, the Global Tree Monitoring Network, enters Phase 2 this...

Donate - Tree Research Project: Phase 2

HeartMath researchers currently are investigating the Tree Research Project Phase 2, the Global Tree...

Interconnectivity Tree Research Project

Interconnectivity Tree Research Project Why are we so in awe of the old oak and the ancient redwood...