HeartMath Institute

Browse our section.We invite you to browse the HeartMath Institute’s extensive collection of research studies, articles and other materials.

14 results

Connecting Hearts: Understanding the Research of the Symbiotic Relationship Between Horses and Human...

The meaningful bonds that can exist between people and horses have been shared widely across time an...

Correlations Between Earth’s Local Magnetic Field and Heart Rate of Young Individuals and Profession...

Every cell in our bodies is under the influence of an external and internal environment of fluctuati...

Heart-to-Heart Communication With Horses

With Ann Baldwin, Ph.D. and Rollin McCraty, Ph.D. Heart-to-Heart Communication With Horses With Ann...

HeartMath and Mental Health for Teens in Minnesota

Our story with the St. Louis County School district of northeast Minnesota begins during School Year...

The Effect of Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy on Emotion Regulation: Self-Efficacy And Self-Awareness...

The evolving field of Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP) is centered upon the therapeutic benefits...

Chapter 06: Energetic Communication

Energetic Communication The first biomagnetic signal was demonstrated in 1863 by Gerhard Baule and R...

Chapter 02: Resilience, Stress and Emotions

Resilience, Stress and Emotions As far back as the middle of the last century, it was recognized tha...

The Making of Emotions

The Making of Emotions Your emotions – Things happen, you engage in conversation, attempt to do some...

Arivaca Boys Ranch

The Arivaca Boys Ranch in Arizona, a therapeutic boarding school on a historic working ranch for tee...