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Tag Archives: Quick Coherence Technique

Study Finds a Little Quick Coherence Good for College Students blog

Study Finds a Little Quick Coherence Good for College Students

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Study Finds a Little Quick Coherence Good for College Students

Editor’s note“Coherence is the state when the heart, mind and emotions are in energetic alignment and cooperation. It is a state that builds resiliency – personal energy is accumulated, not wasted, – leaving more energy to manifest intentions and harmonious outcomes.”

Dr. Rollin McCraty, HeartMath Institute

Know someone about to begin or continue college this fall? Naturally, you’ll want to offer encouragement and helpful advice for coping and succeeding in what is sure to be one of the more stressful ventures of his or her life. Think coherence. Even better, think quick coherence:

A newly published study assessing the efficacy of HeartMath’s Quick Coherence Technique® (QCT) found significant improvements in a group of students’ heart-coherence levels, as measured by heart rate variability (HRV). Study participants were undergraduates at the Universiti Putra Maylasia, in Pahang, Malaysia.

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Study Looks at Coherence and Feeling States

Study Looks at Coherence and Feeling States

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Study Looks at Coherence and Feeling States

Researchers at HeartMath Institute and elsewhere have undertaken numerous studies through the years that have demonstrated the ability of HeartMath® tools and technology to help people increase psychophysiological coherence. A recent one was a small study at a South African university in which people attempted to increase their positive feeling states and decrease their negative feeling states.

In a profile of the experience, one of the six participants who volunteered for the study, said: "Doing HeartMath makes me aware of my breathing and helps me to slow it down and breathe more deeply. It also helps me to focus and still my mind from fleeting thoughts and worries."

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The Heart - An Agent of Transformation Blog article

The Heart – An Agent of Transformation

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The Heart – An Agent of Transformation

It is no secret that our world is changing fast. As you face this period of accelerated change, do you feel you have the tools you need to deal with and adjust to all that is happening?

Historically, there is evidence the heart could help us navigate the ever-shifting terrain we experience daily. HeartMath Institute’s research shows the heart possesses a unique intelligence that can help you adjust to accelerating change. When you access this intelligence, you will have more clarity and power to quickly clear away unwanted thoughts and feelings and adjust to rapid change with confidence.

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Heart- Focused Breathing

Heart-Focused Breathing

169,127 Views = 85

Q. When the HeartMath Institute recommends that I do heart-focused breathing, what exactly is that? You can’t actually breathe with your heart. Right?

A. That’s right. You still breathe with your lungs. Heart-focused breathing is certainly about breathing, as the name implies, but HeartMath places great emphasis on the heart, and years of research says you should, too.

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Women’s Volleyball Team Serves Up Court Lock-In

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Members of the women's volleyball team at Azusa Pacific University shouted and flashed plenty of the usual signals during a close game in the fall of 2007, but a peculiar one proved to be their secret weapon that day.

"Link up, link up!" the players on the sideline yelled to their teammates out on the court. Everybody on the team knew the meaning of this verbal admonition: Time for a Quick Coherence®.

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