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Tag Archives: HRV

When the Heart Leads to Wise Reasoning blog

When the Heart Leads to Wise Reasoning

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When the Heart Leads to Wise Reasoning

Would it surprise you to know that a recent study proposes that wisdom, or good judgment is not exclusively a function of your brain, but also of your heart?

More precisely, “wise reasoning,” the study’s authors say, is closely dependent upon what scientists refer to as heart rate variability as well as an ego-decentered mind. Both are key determinants of wiser, less-biased judgment.

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Personality and Heart Rate Variability

Personality and Heart Rate Variability

14,561 Views = 6

Research shows how intimately the heart is involved in the processes and proper functioning of the human body. Therefore, even the nonscientist might easily accept the premise that certain aspects of heart rhythms can be indicators of general health. Now, a recent study suggests that personality can be a useful barometer as well.

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Coherence: Bridging Personal, Social and Global Health

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It is one of the most talked about human physiological processes today – at research centers like the HeartMath Institute, in hospitals and science labs, and in the offices of educators, corporate leaders and sports managers. It has cropped up in professional journals, popular magazines and doctoral dissertations, and is frequently a featured topic in panel discussions, conferences and soon to be, perhaps, water-cooler conversation.

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HeartMath Research Projects in 2010

HeartMath Research Projects in 2010

8,189 Views = 4

Can individuals who achieve high states of heart-rate variability coherence (HRV) raise the HRV coherence levels of individuals without such training when they are in close proximity?

That’s what the founder of a Singapore-based company that helps corporate executives and their teams achieve coherence personally and professionally, set out to determine.

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Finding Social and Global Coherence

Finding Social and Global Coherence

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Most people understand that certain people in our lives can have a profound influence on us: our parents, friends, teachers, co-workers, spiritual and world leaders, philanthropists, musicians and artists among others. There are, however, more subtle interactions between us that also affect us.

Whether it is merely someone sitting beside us, or the person who is in a bad mood that turns a conversation or a party sour, we all are having an effect on one another.

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PTSD May be greatest Injury of War

PTSD May Be Greatest Injury of War Today

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PTSD May Be Greatest Injury of War Today

From time immemorial, war has exacted a huge emotional toll on its participants. Although our understanding of the psychological impact of warfare has increased greatly over the past century and methods for treating combat-related psychological illnesses have become increasingly sophisticated, American troops on the front lines of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan are in many ways like the Greek hero Theseus trying to slay the Minotaur as they look for a way out of the labyrinth of psychological challenges they face.

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