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Tag Archives: Heart Intuition

Heart Humility

Heart Humility

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Heart Humility

Heart humility – that is, knowing who we truly are and accepting our strengths with gratitude, our limitations without judgment and the world around us with appreciation – is a powerful and attainable quality. Heart humility can help us to walk through this world with confidence, integrity and wisdom.

Heart humility does not require reserve or timid postures in our interactions with others, but rather a quietness in our being, a quiet knowingness of who we are. Heart humility is being honest with ourselves and others, and expressing our gratitude and respect for all involved.

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Heart Intelligence Book What People Are Saying

What Readers Are Saying About Heart Intelligence

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What Readers Are Saying About…

NEW Heart Intelligence: Connecting with the Intuitive Guidance of the Heart Book

— By Doc Childre, Howard Martin, Deborah Rozman Ph.D. and Rollin McCraty Ph.D.

Purchase the Heart Intelligence Book

“For centuries the world’s greatest teachers have been advising us to follow our heart. Finally we have a simple but powerful book that shows us exactly how to do it. Impeccable scientific research inspired by Doc Childre’s deep wisdom about the truth of who we are proves that a few simple heart-centered techniques done consistently over time can transform not only our own lives, but the whole world. I’m not exaggerating when I say Heart Intelligence should be required reading for everybody on the planet.” – Jack Canfield, Co-author of The Success Principles™ and the New York Times #1 bestselling Chicken Soup for the Soul® series
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What is Intuition?

What is Intuition?

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Intuition is the process of perceiving or knowing something without conscious reasoning: knowledge of events such as an act of nature that has yet to happen; or knowledge of a distant material object such as an unseen obstruction blocking the highway ahead. Researchers with the HeartMath Institute and many others who have conducted numerous controlled and scientifically validated studies over more than half a century have expanded the definition of intuition to include not only conscious perception by the mind alone, but also by the body’s entire psycho- physiological system. This unconscious perception often is evidenced by subtle changes in emotions and measurable physiological changes that can be detected throughout the body, according to the study Electrophysiological Evidence of IntuitionPart 1 and Part 2, McCraty, Atkinson and Bradley, 2004.

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