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Tag Archives: Heart Hologram

Heart Hologramming Who You Want to Be blog article

Heart Hologramming Who You Want to Be

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ho-lo-gram — a three-dimensional image created by directing two coherent light sources such as a lazer, a source beam and reference beam, through a two-dimensional image.

Heart Ho-lo-gram-ming — a practice in which an individual sincerely focuses/directs spirit and heart intelligence to the heart's true intent — likened to a hologram — to actualize it.

Would any of the following be desirable in your life? a. Wake up each morning knowing that when this day is done, I will be happier, healthier and smarter? b. No matter what happens in my life, I will see the good in everything and everyone? c. I will do one beautiful thing to help our planet each day for the rest of my life?

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