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The Importance of Anchoring Your Insights

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The Importance of Anchoring Your Insights Acting on Intuitive Inspirations and Insights Before the Initial Energy Fades

Global stress is on the rise. Waves of emotional turbulence modulate throughout the planet, resulting from our collective emotional responses to droughts, floods, hunger, world stage instability and on. These stress waves get powerfully stirred and amplified by the media, which sustains a collective uneasiness that can dampen how we think, feel, and respond to life’s interactions – especially on the emotional level. The internal turbulence caused by these waves of stress can be offset.

We can help with this by getting into a quiet space and asking our heart daily to draw to us inspirations, tools and common-sense insights for reducing our stress. We often get inspirations and intentions to use certain techniques we already know that could help prevent and reduce our stress load. Yet it is easy to fall short of grounding them via practice.

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