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emWave® Technology FAQs

Question: Is the emWave® technology like a heart-rate monitor?

Answer: The emWave technology, though easy to learn and use, is a sophisticated, advanced heart-rate rhythm monitor. emWave displays the heart’s rhythm which reflects your emotional state and helps you learn how to shift into an optimal state. For more detailed information about this topic and to learn more about the emWave go to: emWave Pro  or emWave2. Learn about our many emWave Adult Learning Programs or emWave Student Learning Programs that we also offer.

Question: Can I get emWave demonstration units?

Answer: The emWave includes a 60 day satisfaction guarantee. So you have 60 days to decide if you want to return it for a refund or keep it.

Question: What’s the best way for me to understand the emWave Pro, emWave2 or Inner Balance Trainer?

Answer: Please visit HeartMath Technology Free Training for videos or to sign up for a free live tele-class.

Question: What is the difference between the emWave Pro and the emWave2 software?

Answer: The main differences are as follows:

  • emWave2 is designed for single user, single device functionality; emWave Desktop is designed for multi-user, multiple device and multi-database functionality.
  • The Coherence Coach, My Inspiration, Garden Game and Healing Hands Visualizer are included in the emWave2. The emWave PRO includes two additional games and three additional visualizations.
  • The emWave PRO will work with the emWave2 hand held device, and the sensor/module combination. emWave2 software will only work with the emWave2 hand held device.
  • emWave PRO has the ability to export and import user sessions from different databases.
  • The HRV, Accumulated Score and Coherence Ratio displays from the emWave Pro are included in the emWave2.
Note: The only exception is that the Power Spectrum and Pulse displays are not available in the emWave2.

Question: How do I participate in the free one-hour emWave Pro program orientation class?

Answer: Click the following link to learn how you can participate in this class, the cost of which is included in the price of the emWave Pro for PC/Mac: emWave Orientation Class.

Question: How can I register my emWave? 

Answer: Product registration with HeartMath is no longer required. The 1 year warranty is based on a new product's proof of purchase date. If proof of purchase is missing or product was not purchased new, the warranty will be based on manufacturing date of primary sensor hardware (USB Module, emWave2, IBT 30-pin and IBT Lightning). If you would like to register your emWave device, go to: Register Your emWave.

Question: What are the minimum system requirements for running the emWave Pro Mac and PC program? 

Answer: Minimum system requirements for the emWave Mac:

  • OS X v 10.6.8 or newer
  • 1.0 GHz or faster G4, G5 or Intel processor
  • CD or DVD Drive
  • One available USB Port
  • Internet Access Recommended
* Go to emWave Pro for more information about this remarkable technology.

Answer: Minimum system requirements for the emWave Pro PC: Windows XP SP3 or newer Operating System

  • Win XP SP3 or newer Operating System (Windows 7, Vista etc.)
  • 1.0 GHz or faster Processor
  • 1 GB RAM
  • CD or DVD Drive
  • One available USB Port
  • Internet Access Recommended
* Go to emWave Pro for more information about this remarkable technology.

Question: What are the minimum system requirements for running the emWave2 software? 

Answer: Minimum system requirements for Mac:

  • OSX 10.6.8 or newer Operating System
  • CD/DVD Drive
  • 1GB RAM Minimum
  • USB 2.0 Compatible Port
  • Internet Connection (Required for updates)
* Go to emWave2 for more information about this remarkable technology.

Answer: Minimum system requirements for the PC:

  • Win XP SP3 or newer Operating System (Windows 7, Vista etc.)
  • CD/DVD Drive
  • 1GB RAM Minimum
  • USB 2.0 Compatible Port
  • Internet Connection (Required for updates)
* Go to emWave2 for more information about this remarkable technology.

Question: I live outside the USA. Where can I purchase an emWave Pro or an emWave2?

Answer: HeartMath ships its products around the world. If you wish to purchase an emWave product online, you will receive shipping instructions at checkout. Also, HeartMath has many trainers and product resellers outside the USA and the number is growing. To purchase in Mexico, please go to For a list of resellers in other countries, please visit HeartMath Inc's Web site at International Resellers of HeartMath Products.

Question: How do I get emWave product upgrades?

Answer: The default action for emWave is set to automatically check for updates once a week when opening the program..

Question: If I have atrial fibrillation or take beta blockers will that interfere with the emWave program or devices?

Answer: Individuals with heart irregularities such as atrial fibrillation or flutter or intense clusters of premature ventricular contractions (PVC’s), or children who are unable to sit still, may be unable to use the emWave system successfully.

Beta/calcium channel blockers will not interfere with emWave per se; in fact, since one of the effects of either of those medications is to widen the blood vessels, i.e. relaxing the muscle wall, etc., that will help the system read you, ultimately. Vasoconstrictors are another story; those will interfere with the reading of the emWave.

Use emWave and the exercises contained in the software as tools for individual balance, optimal performance and growth. Although this instrument and exercises are believed to be very safe and have potentially great benefit, no medical benefits or cures are expressed or implied. These programs and exercises are not to be used as, or used in lieu of, any course of medical or psychological treatment.

Question: How do you interpreting the spectrum average in the emWave program?

Answer: To view the Spectrum Average graph you will need to be running a session. It’s also available after a Session, click on the arrow in the gray circle at the top of either the lower left or lower right window. Choose the Spectrum Average view.

The Spectrum Average graph represents a mathematical transformation of the heart rhythm data into its frequency components. It is provided for those who enjoy frequency analysis or who are fascinated by the biological events behind heart rhythm properties. The amplitude on the vertical axis categorizes frequencies or cycles of repeating rhythms in the heart beat pattern. A good example of a repeating rhythm is our breathing. If we were to inhale slowly for 5 seconds and then exhale slowly for 5 seconds, this would complete one full 10-second respiratory cycle.

On a spectrum analysis graph, the frequencies (cycles) are represented by the number of times they repeat in one second. In our breathing example, one respiratory cycle was completed in 10 seconds. On a graph, this rhythm is converted to cycles per second (Hertz). A 10 second rhythm completes one-tenth (1/10) of a cycle per second, therefore the position of this event on the horizontal scale is at 0.1 (1/10 of a second), and the height, or amplitude, of the bar is determined by how deep the breath was. Faster breathing would position the spectral bar further to the right (shorter cycle), while a slower breath rate would move the spectral bar to the left (longer cycle).

In the heart rhythm data, many factors influence the recorded frequencies. The heart’s own intrinsic rhythm, breathing, emotions, as well as autonomic and other biological functions all contribute to the way the heart rate varies. This creates a complex set of frequencies all represented in the Spectrum Average. In coherence, many of these influences quiet, and the heart and breath synchronize into one frequency resulting in one dominant peak clearly defined at the coherence frequency around 0.1 Hertz.

In a state of coherence, the Spectrum Average will usually resemble a bell shaped curve with the tallest column around 0.10 Hz.

Each blue bar represents a sine wave at a particular frequency and amplitude. If you mathematically combined all of the sine waves represented by the blue bars you would get an approximation of the original HRV wave. Researchers have found that the blue bars in the differently colored regions indicate different states of activity in the autonomic nervous system.

There are three colored regions – the VLF (very low frequency) dark colored region on the left shows sympathetic activation. The LF (low frequency) region in the light colored middle is sometimes called the “baroreceptor region” which reflects the blood pressure control mechanisms between the heart and the brain. When in a coherent mode this indicates a synchronization of the sympathetic and the parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system. The HF (high frequency) region on the right indicates parasympathetic activity. As you shift towards high coherence, the bars will focus around 0.1 Hz in this region. The white area on the right is not relevant to this analysis.

Most people initially will have a large peak to the left in the VLF region due to sympathetic activity. A peak around .2 Hz to the right in the parasympathetic region can appear when the user is in relaxation mode.

Question: Can I install the emWave2 software on a computer that already has emWave PRO?

Answer: You may install emWave2 on a computer already running emWave PRO or emWave PC. In the case of emWave PRO, installation of emWave2 is not necessary. The emWave2 device will work with emWave PRO.

Here are some features of emWave PRO that are not available in the emWave2 program.
  • Multiple Users
  • Additional Databases, for practitioners with a large client base.
  • Spectrum
  • Pulse data
  • Import or Export Session data

Question: What so I do if have an error code – Sensor Not Found / Device Not Found?

Answer: If you see an error code – Sensor not Found / Device Not Found -, we recommend rebooting the computer with the sensor hardware plugged in. With a fresh start, the computer should now be able to see the sensor hardware and recognize it as a Human Interface Device (HID).

Question: I am having trouble getting a correct pulse reading on the Heart Rhythm Display?

Answer: Here are some Sensor Troubleshooting and Tips for Using the Sensor and Getting an Accurate Pulse Reading with emWave Software.

Positioning Tips:
  1. Make sure the ear sensor cable is securely connected to the emWave PSR, emWave2 or USB module. The post on the ear sensor cable should be fully inserted into the emWave PSR, emWave2 or USB module.
  2. Before starting up the emWave Software, ensure that the emWave2 or USB module is securely connected to your computer.
  3. The ear sensor should be attached directly to your earlobe. The ear sensor detects your pulse more easily if your ear is warm! You can warm your ear by briefly holding it with your hands before clipping on the sensor.
  4. For best results getting a reading, please be still and quiet. Talking or moving reduces the accuracy of the sensor. Taking a few deep breaths before attaching the ear sensor may help you to relax and get a good reading.
  5. You may need to move the sensor to another part of your earlobe or to the other earlobe to get a good reading. After repositioning the ear sensor, it may take a few seconds to register your pulse.
Technical Tips:
  1. The ear sensor included with the emWave PSR or emWave2, may not fit the USB module. Please use sensors and modules purchased together.
  2. We recommend not using a USB hub, but plugging the emWave2 or USB Module directly into your USB port.
  3. If you cannot find the sensor on one USB port, try plugging the emWave2 or USB Module into another USB port on your machine.
  4. If your still having trouble, try eliminating interference from other USB devices by unplugging them and restarting your emWave.
  5. Be sure you are running the latest emWave Software. Check for updates frequently.
  6. Ensure your sensor is clean. It could be as simple as a buildup of skin oil on the sensor windows. To clean the sensor, use ONLY a couple of drops of alcohol on a soft cloth, and wipe the inside/skin contact point of the sensor. NOTE: it is imperative that the rag not be dripping wet; if ANY liquid gets into the sensor, it will be ruined.
  7. Please see the on-line Help in your application if you would like more information.

Hardware and software purchased together will work as expected. Parts from historical or future orders are not guaranteed to be compatible.  For best results, please upgrade to the latest versions of products and use sensors and devices that are purchased together.

Question: How do I create a new User Account for the emWave HeartCloud?

Answer: It’s easy to create a free, new User Account in the HeartCloud. Please note: This procedure is exactly the same for the emWave2 program as well as the emWave Pro.
1. Start by opening the emWave software program.
2. Click the User tab, located in the upper left corner of the screen.
3. Enter a new User or choose the User that you would like to create an account for.
4. Now, Click the User tab and click Edit to see the screen.

Click here for more information about Heart Cloud


Question: How do I to Back up the Sessions Database?

Answer: Depending on the version of the emWave software, the data are recorded in one of a few areas.

In the emWave PRO  the data are located in My Documents/emWave in XP, or Documents/emWave in Vista or Windows 7 and 8; the exact file name is emwave.emdb, and it has a red heart icon.

In the emWave PRO – Mac, the data are in Documents/emWave folder; the exact file name is emwave.emdb, and it also has a red heart icon.

In both emWave 2 PC/Mac, the emWave2 data file is located in the same place as the PRO versions above in steps 1 and 2 and is also named emwave.emdb but has a blue heart icon.

If you’re doing a search, be sure to include “Hidden” files in the search.

Using your standard Copy and Paste methods, make a copy of the database file in another location of your hard drive or backup to other removable storage.

Question: How do I access the Games, Coherence Coach or Visualizers?

Answer: To access the games, click the hot air balloon icon/button in the top right center of the main screen.

When you click on the balloon icon you will see the Coherence Coach, Games and Visualizers. The Games are the Balloon Game, the Garden Game and the Rainbow Game. You will also see the four legacy Visualizers available. Plus, we’ve introduced a new one… My Inspiration. This is a fully, customizable visualizer allowing you to enter your own pictures and music. We encourage you to give it a try!

Always be sure to update the emWave program, to get the latest features!

Question: How to convert a song in iTunes to the MP3 format.

Answer: For Older versions of iTunes, please use the following procedures.

For the PC: select the song you want, right click it and select – Convert to MP3. This will add an additional copy of that song to your song list in iTunes. At this point you can click and drag a copy of that version out to the desktop and then into the Media folder or start over and select the correct version of that song for the Media folder.

For the Mac: Open iTunes and choose the song you wish to convert. Click the Advanced tab at the top and choose – Create MP3 Version. This will add an additional copy of that song in the MP3 format to your iTunes library. Now when you go to choose that song for your Media folder, make sure you choose the correct version.

Answer: For For Newer versions of iTunes please use the following procedures.

Instructions for iTunes 10+ and beyond: Choose iTunes, Preferences. Click the General tab then click the Import Settings button in the second section of the window. From the Import Using pop-up menu, choose the MP3 Encoder format then click OK to save the settings.

For further support or emWave Pro or EmWave 2 Technology FAQs, go to HeartMath LLC’s Knowledge Base,