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Education FAQs

Question: How can teachers and educators integrate HeartMath tools and techniques into their classrooms?

Answer: Teachers can use HeartMath’s classroom learning programs such as TestEdge®, Early HeartSmarts® and the Inside Story Classroom Program in their classes. All of these have straightforward instructions to guide teachers in presenting the materials. Go to HeartMath School Programs for details about the various classroom/home programs tailored for specific age groups. Educators who wish to receive more in-depth HeartMath training can participate in The Resilience AdvantageTM – Skills for Personal and Professional Effectiveness. This program licenses educators to present The Resilience Advantage program to teachers, school counselors, psychologists and other school staff. Those who go through The Resilience Advantage Certification program also learn how to use HeartMath tools, techniques and products such as the emWave® technologies in their work with students and in their own lives. Learn more about The Resilience Advantage Certification.

Question: How can counselors and school psychologists integrate HeartMath tools and technology into their schools?

Answer: Besides HeartMath’s classroom learning programs, counselors and psychologists also can use the emWave® technology with students. The emWave technology is popular among many counselors who work with students because it offers a wide range of applications, including behavior management, test anxiety, performance enhancement, learning disabilities, ADHD, health science and physiology. We offer a special online training program in the use of the emWave and HeartMath techniques called HeartMath Interventions Program – Establishing a New Baseline for Sustained Behavioral Change. The program provides a set of tools, protocols and instruction in the emWave technologies, which make it easier for students and adults to make positive emotional and attitudinal shifts that activate resilience and emotional flexibility. 

Question: Do you have any literature about HeartMath for my school?

Answer: You can direct your administrator to the HeartMath Education Web page, download the HeartMath Education Education Catalog and, if you have more specific requests, e-mail us at We’ll get back to you with a more customized response.

Question: Do you have any research that validates your work in schools?

Answer: Please visit our Education Research Studies to view some of HeartMath’s educational research. Recent research includes the TestEdge®National Demonstration Study, which received U.S. Department of Education funding, and an intervention with preschool children to guide them in emotional self-regulation.

Question: Does HeartMath have grants for schools or teachers who want to provide your programs?

Answer: The following section of our website covers grant applications and funding and can assist you in writing a grant request to help fund HeartMath programs: Funding and Grants.

Question: Do you have educational discounts?

Answer: We offer quantity discounts for educators, including for the TestEdge® and Early HeartSmarts® programs. Call HeartMath toll free in the U.S. at (800) 711-6221 or e-mail us at for more information.

Question: Do you have scholarships?

Answer: The donor-supported HeartMath Education Sponsorship helps put HMI’s educational programs and unique technology in the hands of educators, teachers and students who otherwise might not have access to them. It provides funding to educational and nonprofit organizations for the purchase of HeartMath educational programs and materials. Visit the HeartMath Education Sponsorship Projects.

Question: Does HeartMath provide any assistance to Ph.D. candidates on their dissertations?

Answer: The HMI Research Division spends considerable time each year assisting graduate students with their doctoral dissertations at a number of academic institutions. Please e-mail us at with requests.

Question: With what ages can the emWave® technology be used?

Answer: In general, the recommended age for children to use either the emWave2® handheld device or the emWave® Pro for Mac and PC desktop systems is around 8. These technologies require at least of couple of minutes of sustained concentration, a skill that many young children have not developed. Naturally, there are exceptions. For complete details about the emWave, visit Self-Regulation Technology.

Question: Can the emWave Pro desktop stress relief system be used in schools?

Answer: The emWave Pro learning programs for Mac and PC are widely used by students and educators to improve learning, behavior and performance. Learn about the emWave Technology for Education.

Question: What programs are available for school-aged children?

Answer: There are several classroom-designed curricula for preschool/kindergarten, upper elementary, middle and high school and university students. TestEdge® has student booklets and teacher manuals for third-fifth, sixth-eighth and ninth-12th grades. TestEdge also has an Interactive CD-ROM for sixth-eighth and ninth-12th grades. Early HeartSmarts® is designed to help children ages three-six gain greater emotional literacy, self-regulation, improved literacy and problem-solving. The emWave® technologies can be used in grades three and above, all the way through college-level students. The Inside Story Classroom Program, designed for grades seven and above, is a booklet and teacher PowerPoint presentation on the important role emotions play in our health and performance.

Question: How can HMI help students with test anxiety?

Answer: HeartMath has multiple solutions and products specifically developed for and proven to reduce test anxiety. This includes the TestEdge® classroom programs, two TestEdge interactive CDs and the emWave® technology. Additionally, the TestEdge National Demonstration Study, which received federal funding, is available for review. This important study documented how anxiety affects performance while showing research-based strategies that helped improve test scores. Check out these pages for help reducing test anxiety and improving test-taking and the overall educational experience: Reducing Test AnxietyStudent Learning ProgramsemWave Technology for Reducing Stress and Improving Performance and emWave Pro desktop system.

Question: I think I might have test anxiety. What exactly is it and is it rare?

Answer: Test anxiety is very common. Typically, before and during a test, we experience nervousness or anxiety over how we’ll perform. For many of us, it’s like having our brains shut down. We can’t recall information that we know we’ve learned, or we may doubt we learned it at all. HMI Director of Research Rollin McCraty explains that emotions such as anxiety, frustration and anger inhibit mental and physical performance because they cause the rhythmic activity in our nervous systems to get out of sync, in turn adversely affecting our ability to think clearly. For more analysis of how stress causes test anxiety and HeartMath’s TestEdge® Learning Programs can help, go to Test Anxiety and TestEdge.

Question: I’ve heard TestEdge® can help reduce test anxiety. What evidence is there that it works?

Answer: The TestEdge methods of reducing test anxiety and improving performance have been developed from 23 years of research. The investigation of stress and a greater understanding of the physiology of learning, multiple pilot programs and a solid case study with Minneapolis Public Schools led to the larger TestEdge National Demonstration Study. This federally funded study provided solid evidence that TestEdge could reduce test anxiety and help raise student test scores. Studies also show TestEdge helps increase overall academic performance and social success with family and friends. Learn more at, TestEdge.

Question: Are TestEdge® programs only for school classrooms? Is there anything for home use?

Answer: There is a full line of TestEdge products for classroom and home use. Adolescents through adult learners can benefit from the TestEdge Interactive Learning Programs CDs using their home computers. Go to TestEdge to learn more.

Question: What options or strategies does HeartMath have for dealing with ADHD?

Answer: Parents, teachers and therapists have reported excellent success with HeartMath tools and technology for children with ADHD. This includes a United Kingdom research study, using emWave® technology and HeartMath tools with upper elementary school children diagnosed with ADHD. For further details and an informative article on how HeartMath can help, go to Using emWave Technology For Children With ADHD eBooklet.

Question: Can you refer me to a HeartMath instructor?

Answer: Please email us at

Question: Our teachers hear a lot about emotional intelligence in educational literature. Does HeartMath have a philosophical view on the subject? Will HeartMath programs help accelerate emotional intelligence?

Answer: A central focus of research and development at the HeartMath Institute has been the exploration of heart intelligence, which includes aspects of emotional intelligence. Children’s success in our fast-moving, increasingly complex world depends more than ever on learning self-regulation, getting along with others, problem-solving and communication skills. HeartMath tools are designed to help students better manage their emotions so their brains can work better. This includes building healthier relationships. HeartMath research has shown a direct link between a student’s ability to self-manage emotions and academic performance: The more self-aware and socially and emotionally competent students are, the more confident and energetic about their learning abilities they will be. For an overview of HeartMath’s viewpoint on education, visit our Education Overview page.