HeartMath Institute

Browse our section.We invite you to browse the HeartMath Institute’s extensive collection of research studies, articles and other materials.

251 results

The Impact of HeartMath Resiliency Training on Health Care Providers

Health care providers must think clearly and make critical decisions under stressful circumstances....

HeartSmarts Adventure e-Learning Program

A New Social and Emotional e-Learning Program for Children Agest 4-6, HeartSmarts Adventure is a new...

Cognitive Rehearsal, HeartMath, and Simulation: An Intervention to Build Resilience and Address Inci...

The detrimental impact of incivility in health care is well documented. Nursing students and new gra...

Quantum Medical Hypnosis Improved the Efficacy of Healing of PTSD Symptoms Measured by HRV Biofeedba...

The purpose of this dissertation is to provide an evidence-based quantum medical research of the con...

Comparison of the Effects of Islamic Spiritual Educations and Breathing Techniques with Heart Rate V...

Patients with coronary artery disease also have psychological disorders, such as stress and depressi...

Clinical Sport Psychological, HeartMath Training Intervention for Twelve Year Old Boy

This brief, case study reports on a clinical sport psychological skills training intervention using...

The Relationship Between A Self-Regulation Breathing Technique and Eleventh and Twelfth Grade Studen...

This proposed study may result in contributing to a potential solution to a problem that interferes...

A 6-Week Worksite Positivity Program Leads to Greater Life Satisfaction, Decreased Inflammation, and...

Objective To determine whether a 6-week Positivity Program could impact employee cardiovascular infl...

Emotion Regulation After Acquired Brain Injury: A Study of Heart Rate Variability, Attentional Contr...

Primary Objective To examine the efficacy of heart rate variability biofeedback (HRV-BF) to treat em...

Heart Rate Variability: New Perspectives on Assessment of Stress and Health Risk at the Workplace

Introduction Cardiovascular diseases are the highest cause of death in the world. Many of these deat...