HeartMath Institute
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Health care providers must think clearly and make critical decisions under stressful circumstances. Providing effective strategies for managing stress in the moment helps mitigate the physical, emotional, and psychological impacts associated with caring for others and promotes resiliency. Staff may...
Health care providers must think clearly and make critical decisions under stressful circumstances....
A New Social and Emotional e-Learning Program for Children Agest 4-6, HeartSmarts Adventure is a new online program that guides children through a multi-faceted exploration of the heart. Entertaining videos, coloring art, music, movement, interviews with children, and a variety of enjoyable learning...
A New Social and Emotional e-Learning Program for Children Agest 4-6, HeartSmarts Adventure is a new...
The detrimental impact of incivility in health care is well documented. Nursing students and new graduate nurses are particularly vulnerable to its effects. Evidence-based civility education strategies are urgently needed to address incivility, which can protect patient safety. …
The detrimental impact of incivility in health care is well documented. Nursing students and new gra...
The purpose of this dissertation is to provide an evidence-based quantum medical research of the connection between heart and brain functions. Quantum Medical Hypnosis (QMH) has a significant impact on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) individuals by increasing participants’ Heart Rate Variabili...
The purpose of this dissertation is to provide an evidence-based quantum medical research of the con...
Patients with coronary artery disease also have psychological disorders, such as stress and depression, especially if they underwent coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery; a type of bypass surgery that forms new routes around narrowed and blocked coronary arteries, permitting increased blood f...
Patients with coronary artery disease also have psychological disorders, such as stress and depressi...
This brief, case study reports on a clinical sport psychological skills training intervention using HeartMath techniques with a 12 year old boy. The pre-test and post-test, process and outcome evaluative, research design included qualitative and quantitative, integrated and mixed method techniq...
This brief, case study reports on a clinical sport psychological skills training intervention using...
This proposed study may result in contributing to a potential solution to a problem that interferes with eleventh and twelfth grade students’ academic achievement on online high-stakes reading assessments required to graduate. …
This proposed study may result in contributing to a potential solution to a problem that interferes...
Objective To determine whether a 6-week Positivity Program could impact employee cardiovascular inflammation, blood sugars, cortisol, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), and/or life satisfaction. Methods Pre- and post-study blood draw and life satisfaction questionnaire tracked changes in 10 cardiovascul...
Objective To determine whether a 6-week Positivity Program could impact employee cardiovascular infl...
Primary Objective To examine the efficacy of heart rate variability biofeedback (HRV-BF) to treat emotional dysregulation in persons with acquired brain injury. Design A secondary analysis of a quasi-experimental study which enrolled 13 individuals with severe chronic acquired brain injury part...
Primary Objective To examine the efficacy of heart rate variability biofeedback (HRV-BF) to treat em...
Introduction Cardiovascular diseases are the highest cause of death in the world. Many of these deaths may be workplace related. Long hours at work seem to be influencing the increased risks of heart diseases. Workplace stress can be defined as the "discrepancies between the physiological...
Introduction Cardiovascular diseases are the highest cause of death in the world. Many of these deat...