HeartMath Institute
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This pilot cross-sectional observational study aimed to examine the relationships between HRV and the level of hope among adult Chinese people in Hong Kong. …
This pilot cross-sectional observational study aimed to examine the relationships between HRV and th...
A multiple case study exploring various data streams within and among therapeutic dyads through exploration of relationships between coherence, interoceptive awareness, therapeutic presence, and physiological synchronization within eight therapeutic dyads and among five therapists and eight clients....
A multiple case study exploring various data streams within and among therapeutic dyads through expl...
The present study aimed at investigating the influence of personality on both anticipatory stress vulnerability and the effectiveness of coping strategies in an occupational stressful context. …
The present study aimed at investigating the influence of personality on both anticipatory stress vu...
In a recent global study, researchers at HeartMath Institute – along with collaborators in Lithuania, Saudi Arabia, New Zealand and England – set out to determine whether people’s heart rhythms can synchronize with the rhythms in the resonant frequencies of the Earth...
In a recent global study, researchers at HeartMath Institute – along with collaborators in Lit...
Deborah Rozman, Ph.D., and her guest, Jacqueline Way, founder of 365give, a nonprofit inspired by her discovery of the power of gratitude, talk about "Change the World 1 Give, 1 Day at a Time" and how gratitude and appreciation aren't just nice gestures, but are powerful emotions that activate the b...
Deborah Rozman, Ph.D., and her guest, Jacqueline Way, founder of 365give, a nonprofit inspired by he...
This study investigates the effect of quick coherence technique (QCT) on commercial pilots' resilience to the unprecedented impact of a pandemic. Eighteen commercial pilots voluntarily participated in a 2-day training course on QCT followed by 2 months of self-regulated QCT practicing during control...
This study investigates the effect of quick coherence technique (QCT) on commercial pilots' resilien...
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of 8 weeks of HRV (Heart Rate Variability) training on the happiness and coherence levels of university students. …
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of 8 weeks of HRV (Heart Rate Variability) trai...
Higher heart rate variability (HRV) is associated with more positive emotion and better emotion regulation whereas lower HRV is associated with poorer physiological, emotional, cognitive, behavioral regulation and self-rated health. …
Higher heart rate variability (HRV) is associated with more positive emotion and better emotion regu...
Healthcare employees are exposed to high levels of work-related stress, particularly those who care for elderly people. This mixed-methods designed study investigates the effectiveness of the HeartMath self-regulation techniques and heart rate variability coherence training in terms of resilien...
Healthcare employees are exposed to high levels of work-related stress, particularly those who care...
Primary school students suffer from high levels of anxiety and stress. Having emotional regulation abilities can help them to manage challenging emotional situations. Conscious and slow breathing is a physiological, emotional regulation strategy that is feasible for primary school students to learn....
Primary school students suffer from high levels of anxiety and stress. Having emotional regulation a...