HeartMath Institute
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Athletes' exceptional performance during competitions results from a high degree of self-psychological regulation and optimal physical condition (Hanin, 2000). In the current context of highly transparent information, athletes' physical and skill training methods are largely similar, and there is li...
Athletes' exceptional performance during competitions results from a high degree of self-psychologic...
Prior studies demonstrate that self-location in the heart or in the head is associated with particular measures of personality and behavior. This quantitative study seeks to extend existing knowledge by asking how self-location impacts perceptions of self and relationship in individuals who have had...
Prior studies demonstrate that self-location in the heart or in the head is associated with particul...
Smart Hearts Newsletter for Educators and Parents - Volume 1: October 2023. …
Smart Hearts Newsletter for Educators and Parents - Volume 1: October 2023. …
The Global Consciousness Project 2.0 (GCP 2.0) is an updated international empirical scientific collaboration of researchers across the planet to assess interconnectedness. The focus is on the interactions of human consciousness and matter using Random Number Generators (RNG's). This project builds...
The Global Consciousness Project 2.0 (GCP 2.0) is an updated international empirical scientific coll...
It is important to address social and emotional concerns early on, as they can adversely affect learning at all levels. The classroom is an ideal context for fostering healthy social and emotional development. …
It is important to address social and emotional concerns early on, as they can adversely affect lear...
Both consciousness and quantum phenomenon are subjective and indeterministic. In this paper, we propose consciousness is a quantum phenomenon. A quantum theory of consciousness (QTOC) is presented based on a new interpretation of quantum physics. We show that this QTOC can address the mind and...
Both consciousness and quantum phenomenon are subjective and indeterministic. In this paper, we prop...
This exploratory study sought to determine if a shared group intention by members of a string quartet for two pieces of music would have an effect on themselves and audience members. An experimental design was implemented consisting of two interventions. The first intervention introduced a series of...
This exploratory study sought to determine if a shared group intention by members of a string quarte...
The aim of the study is to evaluate the complexity matching between the HRVs of the group of Healers and the Healee during the various stages of the meditation protocol by employing a novel mathematical approach based on the H-rank algorithm. The complexity matching of heart rate variability is asse...
The aim of the study is to evaluate the complexity matching between the HRVs of the group of Healers...
This study evaluated the effectiveness of the biofeedback technique, HeartMath, in reducing prelicensure nursing students perceived stress levels. Participants were recruited from a pre-licensure nursing program. The intervention includes each participant receiving HeartMath's Inner Balance device t...
This study evaluated the effectiveness of the biofeedback technique, HeartMath, in reducing prelicen...
The heart generates bioelectromagnetic fields that induce heart-brain coupling (HBC), which is associated with various perceptual, cognitive, and emotional functions. The amplitude of the heart’s cyclical electrocardiography (ECG) potential varies within each heartbeat for different phases of the he...
The heart generates bioelectromagnetic fields that induce heart-brain coupling (HBC), which is assoc...