HeartMath Institute
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Heart rate variability biofeedback (HRVB) therapy may be useful in treating the prominent anxiety features of perinatal depression. We investigated the use of this nonpharmacologic therapy among women hospitalized with severe perinatal depression. Three questionnaires, the State Trait Anxiety Invent...
Heart rate variability biofeedback (HRVB) therapy may be useful in treating the prominent anxiety fe...
In 2007, the leadership team at Grinnell Regional Medical Center participated in a pilot project with the Institute of HeartMath (IHM) to assess the stress level of individual team members and its effect on the organization. At the beginning of the project, the leadership team completed a Personal a...
In 2007, the leadership team at Grinnell Regional Medical Center participated in a pilot project wit...
Chronic stress is among the most costly health problems in terms of direct health costs, absenteeism, disability, and performance standards. The Reformed Church in America (RCA) identified stress among its clergy as a major cause of higher-than-average health claims and implemented HeartMath (HM) to...
Chronic stress is among the most costly health problems in terms of direct health costs, absenteeism...
In this dissertation, I explore the experience of living and practicing heart-mind coherence techniques as taught by the HeartMath Institute. What is the experience of individuals who have had heart-mind coherence training? How do they use these tools in their daily lives? This is a qualitative stud...
In this dissertation, I explore the experience of living and practicing heart-mind coherence techniq...
Previous studies investigating correlations in brain activity between isolated pairs have found significantly correlated brain activity in approximately 20% of participant pairs when one member is engaged in a specified task and the other is not. Participants who demonstrate correlated electroenceph...
Previous studies investigating correlations in brain activity between isolated pairs have found sign...
This study determined the correlates and consequences of stress and test anxiety in a large sample of students (980) and investigated the effects of HeartMath tools among 636 of them who were part of an experimental group compared to the other 344 who were in a control group. Teachers rece...
This study determined the correlates and consequences of stress and test anxiety in a large sample o...
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of stress management training on quality of life, functional capacity, and heart rate variability in elderly patients with New York Heart Association class I-III congestive heart failure (CHF). While substantial research exists on stress managemen...
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of stress management training on quality of lif...
Smart Hearts Newsletter for Educators and Parents - Volume 6: February 2025. …
Smart Hearts Newsletter for Educators and Parents - Volume 6: February 2025. …
Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) opportunities decrease when students reach secondary education (Casey & Caudle, 2013). Nonetheless, adolescent students are still expected to apply SRL skills and achieve academic success, all with predeveloped brains and bodies vulnerable to psychophysiological dysregu...
Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) opportunities decrease when students reach secondary education (Casey...
The importance of attentional capacity for academic performance is highlighted by the increasing demands placed on students during primary school. Between the ages of 7 and 12, there is an evolutionary improvement in attentional capacity and the school environment is considered an appropriate s...
The importance of attentional capacity for academic performance is highlighted by the increasing dem...