HeartMath Institute
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The purpose of this study is to share the findings of a three-month project that focused on recognizing and reducing the negative effects of test anxiety on gifted 4th grade students. Test anxiety has been recognized as an inhibitor of test performance among students. It has even been deemed an...
The purpose of this study is to share the findings of a three-month project that focused on recogniz...
The accountability movement, firmly established in the sixties by President Lyndon B. Johnson’s Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), has been strengthened through No Child Left Behind’s (NCLB) empirical data driven focus and sanctions for failure to meet test score requirements...
The accountability movement, firmly established in the sixties by President Lyndon B. Johnson’...
This paper reports the preliminary results of a pilot study testing the efficacy of a new experimental protocol to measure the psychophysiological basis of entrepreneurial intuition—that part of entrepreneurial decision and action that is not based on reason or memory, but on an awareness of e...
This paper reports the preliminary results of a pilot study testing the efficacy of a new experiment...
Principal Topic Much of the literature on intuition in business monographs and journals takes a phenomenological approach. Some of this work dates back as far as the early 1930s. The modern-day approach primarily adopts a cognitive-psychological perspective, which utilizes self-report measures of in...
Principal Topic Much of the literature on intuition in business monographs and journals takes a phen...
Student musicians were recruited to participate in an experimental repeated measures study to identify effects of heart rate variability (HRV) biofeedback training and emotional self-regulation techniques on music performance anxiety (MPA) and music performance. Fourteen students were randomly assig...
Student musicians were recruited to participate in an experimental repeated measures study to identi...
This study assessed possible effects of exposure to compassionate presence on people in comatose or non-communicative states near death. It used several different instruments in this assessment: biofeedback technology, co-researcher interviews and survey reports. The biofeedback tool chosen for use...
This study assessed possible effects of exposure to compassionate presence on people in comatose or...
The purpose of this study was to explore whether new emotional re-focusing tools can be used to reduce student anxiety and improve academic achievement. This dissertation utilized secondary data from the federally funded TestEdge National Demonstration Study (TENDS). Its purpose was to examine the e...
The purpose of this study was to explore whether new emotional re-focusing tools can be used to redu...
The purpose of this study was to examine areas of stress perception among rural Missouri elementary educators and offer a resilience-based training protocol from HeartMath® to determine if changes in levels of resilience exist after training. Due to missing data, the original study was modified...
The purpose of this study was to examine areas of stress perception among rural Missouri elementary...
There is more to Reading/Language Arts achievement than simply reading and writing well. Recent research has demonstrated the importance of physiological, psychological and social factors in the teaching and learning of reading and writing. The focus of this study was on social relationships and emo...
There is more to Reading/Language Arts achievement than simply reading and writing well. Recent rese...
Standardized high-stakes testing has become an established part of the grand narrative of America’s public school system; America’s students are tested at a rate that far surpasses that of students in other industrialized nations. The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act has prescribed an inc...
Standardized high-stakes testing has become an established part of the grand narrative of America...