HeartMath Institute
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Purpose It has been well documented that nursing students across the world experience stress and anxiety throughout their education and training. The purpose of this randomized controlled study is to investigate the impact of biofeedback intervention program on nursing students’ levels of stre...
Purpose It has been well documented that nursing students across the world experience stress and anx...
This work reports the results of an evaluation study to assess the efficacy of the Early HeartSmarts (EHS) program in schools of the Salt Lake City, Utah, School District. The EHS program is designed to guide teachers with methods that support young children (3-6 y old) in learning emotion self-regu...
This work reports the results of an evaluation study to assess the efficacy of the Early HeartSmarts...
We complement an "Extended Consensus" , focused on the individual’s health, by documenting associations between the human heart and circulation and the environment near and far at the level of local and global populations in both space and time . Life in the atmosphere of the sun mim...
We complement an "Extended Consensus" , focused on the individual’s health, by docum...
Results of recent research have suggested that game-based, biofeedback relaxation training may reduce symptoms of both Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Anxiety Disorders in children and youths. Inattention and poor concentration are common features of both of these disorders. Howe...
Results of recent research have suggested that game-based, biofeedback relaxation training may reduc...
This article describes the rationale, implementation and results of a pilot study evaluating the personal and organizational impact of an educational intervention on the stress of health team members. The compelling imperative for the project was to find a positive and effective way to address the d...
This article describes the rationale, implementation and results of a pilot study evaluating the per...
This study sought to determine if individuals with neurological damage can be trained to regulate their emotions through psychophysiological processes and thereby can learn to improve executive functioning and enhance clear thinking. Participants were drawn from AHRC, a community-based structured da...
This study sought to determine if individuals with neurological damage can be trained to regulate th...
Background The need for treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among combat veterans returning from Afghanistan and Iraq is a growing concern. PTSD has been associated with reduced cardiac coherence (an indicator of heart rate variability ) and deficits in early stage information processi...
Background The need for treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among combat veterans retu...
Objectives This study examined whether a group of participants trained in achieving high states of heart rate variability coherence (HRVC) could facilitate higher levels of HRVC in an untrained subject in close proximity. Design Fifteen adult volunteers were trained to increase their HRVC. In a seri...
Objectives This study examined whether a group of participants trained in achieving high states of h...
Due to the prevalence of music performance anxiety and the emergence of new biofeedback technologies used to decrease anxiety, student musicians were recruited to participate in an experimental repeated-measures study to identify effects of heart rate variability coherence biofeedback training and e...
Due to the prevalence of music performance anxiety and the emergence of new biofeedback technologies...
This study investigated the effects of a novel, classroom-based emotion self-regulation program (TestEdge) on measures of test anxiety, socioemotional function, test performance, and heart rate variability (HRV) in high school students. The program teaches students how to self-generate a specific ps...
This study investigated the effects of a novel, classroom-based emotion self-regulation program (Tes...