HeartMath Institute

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245 results

Evaluation of Heart Rhythm Coherence Feedback Training on Physiological and Psychological Variables

HeartMath refers to a psychophysiological approach dedicated to helping people establish heartbased...

Coherence: A Novel Nonpharmacological Modality for Lowering Blood Pressure in Hypertensive Patients

This study examined the efficacy of teaching emotional self-regulation techniques supported by heart...

Biofeedback and Counseling for Stress and Anxiety Among College Students

With the rise in stress and anxiety among college students, there is a need for more comprehensive a...

Resilience Training Program Reduces Physiological and Psychological Stress in Police Officers

Research suggests that police work is among the most stressful occupations in the world and officers...

Biofeedback Intervention for Stress and Anxiety Among Nursing Students: A Randomized Controlled Tria...

Purpose It has been well documented that nursing students across the world experience stress and anx...

Efficacy of an Emotion Self-regulation Program for Promoting Development in Preschool Children

This work reports the results of an evaluation study to assess the efficacy of the Early HeartSmarts...

Time Structures (Chronomes) Of The Blood Circulation, Populations’ Health, Human Affairs And Space W...

We complement an "Extended Consensus" , focused on the individual’s health, by docum...

Effects of Game-Based Relaxation Training on Attention Problems in Anxious Children

Results of recent research have suggested that game-based, biofeedback relaxation training may reduc...

Building Personal and Professional Resources of Resilience and Agility in the Healthcare Workplace

This article describes the rationale, implementation and results of a pilot study evaluating the per...

Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback and Executive Functioning in Individuals with Chronic Traumatic B...

This study sought to determine if individuals with neurological damage can be trained to regulate th...