HeartMath Institute
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On This Page Interconnectedness Research HeartMath Trauma Recovery Our Adopted Scientist First Responders Our Featured Projects HMI’s donors from around the world are supporting innovative research and programs that increase personal, social and global coherence and harmony. We are making a di...
On This Page Interconnectedness Research HeartMath Trauma Recovery Our Adopted Scientist First Respo...
Join the global community of HeartMath Certified Professionals and be a positive force in the lives of others. Teach the art and science of shifting into an optimal state that creates the foundation necessary for clearer thinking, wiser choices, maintaining composure in times of chaos or stress, bet...
Join the global community of HeartMath Certified Professionals and be a positive force in the lives...
Two certification courses, both designed for psychologists, therapists, counselors, social workers, doctors, nurses, and other professionals who wish to add HeartMath techniques and protocols to their practice. The Resilient Heart - Trauma-Sensitive HeartMath Certification, provides deep insights in...
Two certification courses, both designed for psychologists, therapists, counselors, social workers,...
Early intervention strategies using HeartMath's self-regulation techniques, methods and emWave technologies have helped thousands of children neutralize symptoms of anxiety, anger, mood swings, loss of focus and motivation, social phobia, childhood trauma, substance abuse and more. …
Early intervention strategies using HeartMath's self-regulation techniques, methods and emWave techn...
As each of us goes about our daily routines and responsibilities we typically don’t think about the possibility that we might simply wear out one day. Activities in the community, entertainment, keeping up with email, social networking, etc. We just keep going. There are, however, millions each year...
As each of us goes about our daily routines and responsibilities we typically don’t think about the...
List everything that could cause you excessive stress, and don’t stress over how incredibly long the list might be. Relationships, first day of school, redecorating the kitchen, global conflict, global climate, loss of a pet, caring for a dying relative. ... You get the idea. Ask 10, 100 or even 1,0...
List everything that could cause you excessive stress, and don’t stress over how incredibly long the...
The aim of this study was to explore on which variables a stress reduction program based on heart coherence can enhance the effects of a back school (BS) in patients with chronic non-specific low back pain and to explore possible moderators for treatment success. A retrospective explorative design w...
The aim of this study was to explore on which variables a stress reduction program based on heart co...
On This Page Social and Emotional Learning Special Needs Children Grandparents, Extended Family Heart-Coherent Parenting Resources You’ll find many articles covering a range of topics in the World of Kids section of HMI’s Articles of the Heart Blog, which has ideas and tools for those wh...
On This Page Social and Emotional Learning Special Needs Children Grandparents, Extended Family Hear...
Explore HeartMath's collection of free resource and downloadable materials for expanding your heart connections including practical solutions for your personal growth, health and life fulfillment. …
Explore HeartMath's collection of free resource and downloadable materials for expanding your heart...
Global Coherence Initiative's Sensor Site Map To learn more about what the Global Coherence Monitoring System does? Click here. So far we have seven of the twelve Global Coherence Monitoring System funded. To view an informative picture story that shows how a Global Coherence Monitoring System...
Global Coherence Initiative's Sensor Site Map To learn more about what the Global Coherence Mon...