HeartMath Institute

Browse our section.We invite you to browse the HeartMath Institute’s extensive collection of research studies, articles and other materials.

244 results

Heart-Brain Neurodynamics: The Making of Emotions

As pervasive and vital as they are in human experience, emotions have long remained an enigma to sci...

Coach/Mentor Certification Sample Letter of Agreement

HeartMath's® Coach/Mentor Certification Sample Letter of Agreement To be executed upon comp...

Reducing Test Anxiety and Improving Test Performance in America’s Schools

Reducing Test Anxiety and Improving Test Performance in America’s Schools Raymond Trevor Bradl...

Our Featured Projects

On This Page Interconnectedness Research HeartMath Trauma Recovery Our Adopted Scientist First Respo...

Coherence Advantage Certification Program

Join the global community of HeartMath Certified Professionals and be a positive force in the lives...

HeartMath Certification Courses for Health Professionals

Two certification courses, both designed for psychologists, therapists, counselors, social workers,...

Child Mental Health

Early intervention strategies using HeartMath's self-regulation techniques, methods and emWave techn...

Solution for Burnout and Fatigue

As each of us goes about our daily routines and responsibilities we typically don’t think about the...

Solution for Job Stress

List everything that could cause you excessive stress, and don’t stress over how incredibly long the...

Heart Coherence Training Combined with Back School in Patients with Chronic Non-Specific Low Back Pa...

The aim of this study was to explore on which variables a stress reduction program based on heart co...