HeartMath Institute

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244 results

Chapter 11: Global Coherence Research

Global Coherence Research:Human-Earth Interconnectivity Every cell in our body is bathed in an exter...

Chapter 10: Social Coherence

Social Coherence: Outcome Studies in Organizations There are obvious benefits to interacting and wor...

Chapter 09: Outcome Studies in Education

Outcome Studies in Education Growing evidence of the tremendous benefits to be gained from learning...

Chapter 08: Health Outcome Studies

Health Outcome Studies “Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease.” Hippo...

Chapter 07: Intuition Research

Intuition Research:Coherence and the Surprising Role of the Heart Raising individual...

Chapter 06: Energetic Communication

Energetic Communication The first biomagnetic signal was demonstrated in 1863 by Gerhard Baule and R...

Chapter 05: Establishing a New Baseline

Establishing a New Baseline At the HMI Research Center, we have found that the heart plays a central...

Chapter 04: Coherence

Coherence Definitions of Coherence Clarity of thought, speech and emotional composure The quality of...

Chapter 03: Heart Rate Variability

Heart Rate Variability: An Indicator of Self-Regulatory Capacity, Autonomic Function and Health...

Chapter 02: Resilience, Stress and Emotions

Resilience, Stress and Emotions As far back as the middle of the last century, it was recognized tha...