HeartMath Institute

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251 results

Global Study of Long Term Heart Rhythm Synchronization in Groups

Heart rhythm measurements over time reflect important elements of Autonomic Nervous System dynamics....

Report on a Case Study Process Evaluation of a HeartMath Intervention and Faith Following a Traumati...

An initial study was undertaken on a HeartMath intervention, focusing on coherence, resilience and f...

Experimental Evaluation of a Neurophysiological Intervention Designed to Increase Student Resilience...

Social and emotional learning (SEL) interventions have shown promise for building resilience and pro...

Revising the Script: Mixed-Method Study of Trauma Drama for Complex Trauma-Exposed Youth in Resident...

Creative-arts interventions have historically been used to treat people exposed to complex trauma. I...

Global Study of Human Heart Rhythm Synchronization with the Earth’s Time Varying Magnetic Field

Changes in geomagnetic conditions have been shown to affect the rhythms produced by the brain and he...

The Effectiveness of Trauma-Informed Wilderness Therapy With Adolescents: A Pilot Study of New Visio...

The Effectiveness of Trauma-Informed Wilderness Therapy With Adolescents: A Pilot Study of New Visio...

Empirical and Heuristic Phenomenological Case Study of the HeartMath Global Coherence Initiative

Along with the creativity of vast technological advances, humanity’s endemic destructiveness c...

Health Psychological Case Study of High Intensity, Low Impact, Physical Training Program

This case study reports on the health psychological evaluation of an integrated, high intensity, lo...

Novice Meditators of an Easily Learnable Audible Mantram Sound Self-Induce an Increase in Vagal Tone...

Introduction The autonomic nervous system (ANS) plays a vital role in regulation of the physiologica...

Long-Term Study of Heart Rate Variability Responses to Changes in the Solar and Geomagnetic Environm...

This long-term study examined relationships between solar and magnetic factors and the time course a...