HeartMath Institute

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378 results

Following the Rhythm of the Heart: HeartMath Institute's Path to HRV Biofeedback

This paper outlines the early history and contributions our laboratory, along with our close advisor...

A Window Into the Energetic Lives of Trees

In an exciting scientific venture, HeartMath Institute researchers are using new technology to peer...

Correlation Between ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction, Non-ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction and t...

Stronger oscillations in the local Earth magnetic field may have an impact on the course of ischemic...

Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Training Leads to Improvements in Measures of Employee Mental and Physi...

Data indicated that work-related stress could cost organizations financially, with losses associated...

Social Coherence Explained

When people are in a state of genuine care and compassion, this has a measurable uplifting effect on...

Personal Coherence

Coherence is a harmonious state where our hearts, minds and bodies are united in cooperation and flo...

Social Coherence

Making coherent, heartfelt connections enhances harmonious relationships within families, teams, gro...

Heart Coherence

Heart Coherence is a state of cooperative alignment between the heart, mind, emotions and physical s...

Coherence Technology

Based on 30+ years of research conducted at HeartMath Institute, we offer the emWave and Inner Balan...

Global Coherence

Participate in the Global Coherence Community, a science-based initiative where we can collectively...