HeartMath Institute

Browse our section.We invite you to browse the HeartMath Institute’s extensive collection of research studies, articles and other materials.

378 results

Science of Interconnectivity

The Science of Interconnectivity Rollin McCraty, Mike Atkinson and Jeff Goelitz Join Rollin McCraty,...

Musical Bonding

This thesis proposes a new theory of musically induced Altered States of Consciousness (ASC) labeled...

Heart Coherence: A New Tool in the Management of Stress on Professionals and Family Caregivers of Pa...

We describe a stress management intervention intended to reduce the damage and stress impact on the...

Solutions for Stress

HeartMath Institute’s long years of scientific research and clinical trials have helped improve thou...

Heart-Brain Neurodynamics: The Making of Emotions

As pervasive and vital as they are in human experience, emotions have long remained an enigma to sci...


Welcome to HeartMath Institute’s Alliances Diverse alliances enrich HeartMath Institute’s research,...

Coach/Mentor Certification Sample Letter of Agreement

HeartMath's® Coach/Mentor Certification Sample Letter of Agreement To be executed upon comp...

Resources for Law Enforcement and First Responders

On This Page The Resilience Advantage Resilience Training, Mentoring and Technology Law Enforce...

Living on the Edge – GCI Version

Living on the Edge: Finding Personal Peace in the World’s Perfect Storm Gregg Braden and...

The Appreciative Heart – GCI Version

The Appreciative Heart: The Psychophysiology of Positive Emotions and Optimal Functioning Rollin McC...