HeartMath Institute

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378 results

Using Digital Technology to Evaluate Heart Coherence in Craniosacral Therapy as an Indicator of Spir...

There is no evidence supporting the importance of heart coherence in spiritual leadership (which des...

Neurophysiological Approach by Self-Control of Your Stress-Related Autonomic Nervous System with Dep...

Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback (HRVB) is a treatment in which patients learn self-regulation of...

Stress Analysis Among University Students Using Psychometric Scale and Heart Rate Variability Approa...

Stress has become one of the major mental health problems in Malaysia. Most Malaysians underestimate...

Resilience Building Among University Students: A Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback Study

National Health and Morbidity Survey 2017 stated that 1 in 5 adolescents in Malaysia...

Help Raise the Planetary Vibration

Research is helping to explain how our vibrational energies, especially our moods and emotions affec...

Consciousness, The Human Heart and The Global Energetic Field Environment

The Global Coherence Initiative (GCI) is a science-based, international effort that conducts researc...

Collective Consciousness and Our Sense of Interconnectedness

Random number generators (RNGs) are one tool used to evaluate micro-psychokinesis or our ability to...

Events Calendar

Calendar of Events 2024 September 2024 September 3-9, 2024, From Trauma to Transcendence- Free Onlin...

Human Consciousness: The Cerebral Cortex and Beyond

Human Consciousness is one of most elusive issues in the scientific history. Its nature created majo...