HeartMath Institute
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Awakening the Power of We: The New Science of Interconnectivity Gregg Braden and Rollin McCraty, Ph.D. New and exciting discoveries are reshaping 150 years of scientific thinking about our relationship to one another and our planet. Today, for example, scientists say human beings are intimately conn...
Awakening the Power of We: The New Science of Interconnectivity Gregg Braden and Rollin McCraty, Ph....
A holoflux theory of consciousness as energy is hypothesized and shown to support both local and non-local properties. This thesis emerges from an integral evaluation of evidence drawn from three sources: (1) the holonomic mind/brain theories of Karl Pribram, (2) the ontological interpretation of qu...
A holoflux theory of consciousness as energy is hypothesized and shown to support both local and non...
Coherence Definitions of Coherence Clarity of thought, speech and emotional composure The quality of being orderly, consistent and intelligible (e.g. a coherent sentence). Synchronization or entrainment between multiple waveforms A constructive waveform produced by two or more waves that are phase-...
Coherence Definitions of Coherence Clarity of thought, speech and emotional composure The quality of...
GCI Ambassador As a GCI Ambassador you are joining a community of people committed to personal and global coherence and improving the well-being of others and our living planet. You strive to awaken the higher mental, emotional and spiritual capacities in yourself and the global community through ge...
GCI Ambassador As a GCI Ambassador you are joining a community of people committed to personal and g...
Are we all connected? We know the heart emits electromagnetic energy. HeartMath Institute's research suggests this energy carries messages and information into a field environment that is shared by and connects everyone. …
Are we all connected? We know the heart emits electromagnetic energy. HeartMath Institute's research...