HeartMath Institute

Browse our section.We invite you to browse the HeartMath Institute’s extensive collection of research studies, articles and other materials.

123 results

Child Mental Health

Early intervention strategies using HeartMath's self-regulation techniques, methods and emWave techn...

Solution for Burnout and Fatigue

As each of us goes about our daily routines and responsibilities we typically don’t think about the...

Resources Supporting Global Coherence

Resources Supporting Global Coherence Inspirational Heart Connections Videos … Together in the Heart...

Earth as a Dynamic Body – Electrically and Electromagnetically

Earth as a Dynamic Body – Electrically and Electromagnetically Dr. Friedemann Freund NASA Ames Resea...

Building Personal Resilience Mentor Certification/Coach Enrichment FAQs

Building Personal Resilience™ Mentor Certification/Coach Enrichment FAQs Question: Is the Buil...

Making of a Sensor Site – Alberta, Canada

Making of a Sensor Site – Alberta, Canada Have you ever wondered how a Global C...

Becoming a GCI Ambassador

GCI Ambassador As a GCI Ambassador you are joining a community of people committed to personal and g...

GCI Boards

The Global Coherence Initiative is an international effort that seeks to help activate the heart of...

Global Coherence Research

Global coherence research encompasses a large variety of scientific data to gain new insights into t...

Military Service Appreciation Initiative

Military Service Appreciation Initiative Our service men and women, whether stationed in hostile env...