HeartMath Institute

Browse our section.We invite you to browse the HeartMath Institute’s extensive collection of research studies, articles and other materials.

105 results

Emotional Stress, Positive Emotions and Psychophysiological Coherence

Until recently stress research and treatment has largely derived from a belief that mental processes...

Science of the Heart

Science of the Heart: Vol 1 (1993-2001) Exploring the Role of the Heart in Human Performance An Over...

How Practicing Coherence Enhances Cognitive Functions and Helps Offset Cognitive Decline

How Practicing Coherence Enhances Cognitive Functions and Helps Offset Cognitive Decline Rollin McCr...

Energetic Connectivity – The Heart Field Environment

Energetic Connectivity – The Heart Field Environment Rollin McCraty, Ph.D. Join one of today...

Resources Supporting Global Coherence

Resources Supporting Global Coherence Inspirational Heart Connections Videos … Together in the Heart...

Heart-Coherent Parenting Resources

On This Page Social and Emotional Learning Special Needs Children Grandparents, Extended Family Hear...

A Healthy Heart is Not a Metronome: An Integrative Review of the Heart’s Anatomy and Heart Rat...

Heart rate variability (HRV), the change in the time intervals between adjacent heartbeats, is an em...

Cardiac Coherence, Self-Regulation, Autonomic Stability, and Psychosocial Well-Being

The ability to alter one’s emotional responses is central to overall well-being and to effecti...

Global Coherence Research

Global coherence research encompasses a large variety of scientific data to gain new insights into t...

The Heart’s Intuitive Intelligence

The Heart’s Intuitive Intelligence – a path to personal, social and global coherenc...