HeartMath Institute
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Inner Balance Coherence Sensor includes 1 Sensor and 2 great apps! Build your personal coherence with the Inner Balance App or increase social and global coherence with the Global Coherence App. Bluetooth for Android and iOS. …
Inner Balance Coherence Sensor includes 1 Sensor and 2 great apps! Build your personal coherence wit...
This new edition of the classic research paper is expanded in 2016 with new data and updated research findings. Highly recommended! The Science Behind the HeartMath System By the HeartMath Institute Research Staff This insightful and comprehensive monograph provides fundamental and de...
This new edition of the classic research paper is expanded in 2016 with new data and updated researc...
Global Coherence Research:Human-Earth Interconnectivity Every cell in our body is bathed in an external and internal environment of fluctuating invisible magnetic forces that can affect virtually every cell and circuit in biological systems. Therefore, it should not be surprising that numerous physi...
Global Coherence Research:Human-Earth Interconnectivity Every cell in our body is bathed in an exter...
Coherence Definitions of Coherence Clarity of thought, speech and emotional composure The quality of being orderly, consistent and intelligible (e.g. a coherent sentence). Synchronization or entrainment between multiple waveforms A constructive waveform produced by two or more waves that are phase-...
Coherence Definitions of Coherence Clarity of thought, speech and emotional composure The quality of...
Heart Rate Variability: An Indicator of Self-Regulatory Capacity, Autonomic Function and Health The autonomic nervous system (ANS) (Figure 1.1) is the part of the nervous system that controls the body’s internal functions, including heart rate, gastrointestinal tract and secretions o...
Heart Rate Variability: An Indicator of Self-Regulatory Capacity, Autonomic Function and Health...
Exploring intriguing aspects of the Science of the Heart, new research shows the human heart is much more than an efficient pump that sustains life. Our research suggests the heart also is an access point to a source of wisdom and intelligence that we can call upon to live our lives with more balanc...
Exploring intriguing aspects of the Science of the Heart, new research shows the human heart is much...
Mysteries of the Heart is an infographic depicting the fascinating understandings of the human heart, as explored in HeartMath Institute's nearly three decades of research. The 'Did You Know?' facts are lesser-known gems of information to enlighten curiosity on how your own thoughts and emotions are...
Mysteries of the Heart is an infographic depicting the fascinating understandings of the human heart...
This article describes a study using heart rate variability (HRV) biofeedback to treat emotional dysregulation in 13 individuals with severe chronic brain injury. Measures included HRV indices, tests of attention and problem solving, and informant reports of behavioral regulation. Results demon...
This article describes a study using heart rate variability (HRV) biofeedback to treat emotional dys...
The Energetic Heart: GCI Edition Rollin McCraty, Ph.D. The Heart’s Electromagnetic Field This fascinating monograph, The Energetic Heart explains the bioelectromagnetic interactions within and between people. Did you know that when you’re not consciously communicating with others, our ph...
The Energetic Heart: GCI Edition Rollin McCraty, Ph.D. The Heart’s Electromagnetic Field This...
Heart–Brain Neurodynamics: The Making of Emotions Rollin McCraty, Ph.D. Heart-Brain Neurodynamics explores recent scientific advances that clarify a number of central controversies in the understanding of emotion, including the relationship between intellect and emotion. A discussion of the critical...
Heart–Brain Neurodynamics: The Making of Emotions Rollin McCraty, Ph.D. Heart-Brain Neurodynamics ex...