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Youth: Ages 7-11

Parenting Ages 7 – 11

Preadolescence is that marvelous time when children’s curiosity about the world and reliance on personal skills increases. This time is ideal for understanding and self-regulating their emotions. Research shows learning socioemotional skills early can improve behavior, performance and, ultimately, success at home, school and play.

HeartMath’s Free Resources for Children Ages 7 to 11

HeartShift™ Tool for Ages 7-11: Presentation and Audio

When your children are sad, upset or not feeling well, HeartShift™ is a wonderful and healthy way to cheer up. With your assistance, they can learn to lift their spirits anytime by shifting to the heart. Visual Presentation and Audio

Stress Solutions Test Scores ebooklet

Stress Solutions: Proven Methods of Raising Test Scores free e-Book

Students can learn to increase their coherence, which scientists describe as an optimal performance state that enhances learning, Easy-to-learn steps are included for building coherence, boosting confidence and managing  the negative thoughts and feelings that block comprehension and reason. Download Free e-Booklet.

Children and Media Technology

The time children spend using media technology today, including computers, cell phones, video games and MP3 players among others, is setting off alarms with parents and educators.
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Stopping the Bullying

It’s disheartening to learn a child is a bully or victim of bullying. This is a serious and common problem today. HeartMath stresses teaching children to recognize, understand and self-regulate anger, anxiety and fear – emotions that can lead to such negative behavior.
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Other Free resources…

My Kids Facebook Icon

HeartMath My Kids!

Parents, grandparents, teachers and others who love and care for children have an ongoing dialogue on the HeartMath My Kids! Facebook page. Follow the helpful tips and tools, inspiring stories and fun videos. Look for some great giveaways from HeartMath. HeartMath My kids!

Educational Research Library

Our Research Library has many resources related to children such as The Heart in Holistic Education, which shows applying the new science of the heart and an all-bodily-systems approach to education lead to improved emotional stability, cognitive functioning and academic performance. View Education Research Studies

Fun and Instructional Products

TestEdge® Grades 3-5

This nationally tested and successful supplemental classroom program, proven to improve test scores, learner readiness, attitudes and behavior problems, was developed to prepare children for the pressures of high-stakes tests, especially state-mandated exams. Learn more.

TestEdge Interactive CD

TestEdge® CD Interactive Learning Program

TestEdge® CD Interactive Learning Program is excellent for helping children ages 7-11, especially sixth-graders, overcome the fear and anxiety often associated with testing and instill greater confidence in and outside of school. It’s suitable for traditional classrooms and home schools. Learn more.

emWave® Pro for PC and Mac, emWave2® and Inner Balance® Trainer

HeartMath’s emWave technology is scientifically proven to reduce stress and anxiety. Research at the HeartMath Institute shows emWave® Pro for desktop computers and the emWave2® handheld can provide a wide range of benefits for the 7-11 age group.

emWave® Pro is an easy-to-use PC/Mac computer-based interactive learning system that can help young children get in sync, calm emotions and improve focus. Learn more.

emWave2® handheld is easily mastered. Use it anytime – before school on testing days, music recitals or sports – for sustained stress relief and emotional balance. Learn more.

Inner Balance™ iOS Lightning Sensor attaches to iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch. With practice, users can more easily connect with their heart’s intuitive intelligence. Learn more.

Wild Ride to the Heart Game

Wild Ride to the Heart™

Wild Ride to the Heart™ is the HeartMath game kids, families, classmates and others are playing. It teaches children about emotions. Young and old love how it makes them feel in their hearts. Learn more.

Inner Weather Report poster parenting Ages 7-11

Inner Weather Report poster

Are your children feeling stormy or sunny today? You and they can check the forecast with the Inner Weather Report poster. Hang it at home or in the classroom to remind children to check their inner weather daily with the powerful Notice and Ease™ Tool, which is stamped on this colorful 24-by-36-inch poster. Learn more.