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Heart-Coherent Parenting

The HeartMath Institute understands you want your children to have a loving home, good health and quality education. Our scientists, researchers, educators and trainers have helped thousands of children worldwide lead healthier, happier lives with our heart-focused programs, services, games, music and more.

HMI Parenting Index children

Children – Ages 2-6

Young children have a beautiful way of looking at life. HeartMath encourages and nurtures this by helping children acquire emotional competencies and learn about the qualities of the heart. Learn more.

Youth – Ages 7-11

Habits and attitudes formed during elementary school can last a lifetime. HeartMath programs and techniques for this age group provide a head start for the middle and high school years. Learn more.

Teens Ages 12-18+

Understanding and managing stress and emotions can help adolescents mature and prepare for higher learning and work. HeartMath programs and technology help them succeed. Learn more.

Home School

Today’s household characteristics, changing lifestyles and concern over school environments are among the reasons an estimated 1.5 million children are home-schooled in America. Parents of HeartMath’s interactive learning programs. Learn more.

Special Needs Children

The heartfelt care and attention children with unique needs­ – ADHD/ADD, autism and discipline problems or the gifted – receive can help transform struggles into breakthroughs and “just getting by” to excellence. Our supplemental learning programs help lower stress and anxiety and create emotional balance. Learn more.

Discipline and the Coherent Heart

Caring for and raising children requires discipline occasionally. A loving and coherent heart can inspire creativity for turning discipline into positive learning experiences. Learn techniques for raising your heart coherence. Learn more.

For Parents

HeartMath has tools and technology especially designed to ensure parents receive the self-care they need for balancing home, work and family with ease and flow. Learn more.

For Grandparents, Extended Family

Bonds between children and grandparents and other relatives are strongest when formed by sincere heart connections. Practicing our easy-to-learn heart-based tools minutes daily can provide a lifetime of loving benefits. Learn more.