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The Measurement of Earth and Ionospheric Magnetic Fields and their Effects on Human Health and Behaviors

Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.

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Researchers today have collected data showing profound correlations between the rhythms in solar and geomagnetic activity and human health and wellness, as well as with major societal conflicts such as violence, crime, terrorism and war.

Join Dr. Rollin McCraty, director of research for the HeartMath Institute, as he presents an overview of one of the most exciting fields of science today in an important webinar: The Measurement of Earth and Ionospheric Magnetic Fields and their Effects on Human Health and Behaviors.

McCraty will explain the sensor design being utilized in the Global Coherence Monitoring System (GCMS), the implementation process and the basic components of a remote sensor site. He will show examples of the data already gathered from the sensor at the IHM Research Center in Boulder Creek, Calif.

Webinar participants will learn about the short- and long-term research goals of the Global Coherence Initiative and the importance of the GCMS in uniting millions of people around our planet in heart-focused care and intention to shift global consciousness from instability and discord to balance, cooperation and enduring peace.

McCraty is the project coordinator for the GCMS and IHM’s executive vice president. He is a psychophysiologist whose research background and interest includes the physiology of emotions and the mechanisms by which emotions influence cognitive processes, behavior and health. He is a respected international authority on the intelligence of the heart.