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Add Heart Podcast

Add Heart Podcast

The Heart, a Transmitter of Information to the World

Host Deborah Rozman and Guest Ervin Laszlo, Ph.D.

January 18, 2022 Episode #48 Add Heart Podcast Past Episodes

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This forty-eighth episode is an excellent way to sustain your own personal heart-practices. We also hope it will be a supportive tool for you to offer to your clients, patients and colleagues.

For humanity to learn to get along with each other, it will require more heart. Despite the seemingly unsolvable separation and polarization between people and groups that we see, there is also an amplification of the collective heart throughout the planet. More people are realizing that we are all interconnected and we need to help each other through increasing kindness and care. The omnipresent virus, climate change and extreme weather events, and an uncertain future are waking us up to our interdependence with each other and with nature.

In this episode, Deborah Rozman, Ph.D., our Add Heart® Podcast host, and her guest, Ervin Laszlo, Ph.D., a systems scientist, Nobel Peace Prize nominee and Founder-Director of the Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research in Italy, discuss the critical importance of this time and the essential role of the heart for the future of humanity.

Ervin talks about his systems research and the quantum field and how the heart is a transmitter of information to the world, and explains how the heart helps us feel part of nature and the universe and enables us to know that all things have to work together. Ervin and Deborah inspire us with their perspectives on how we can connect more with our heart day to day to uplift our own life experience while simultaneously adding more heart to the world.

Deborah closes the episode by leading us through a heart meditation that we can use to energize and deepen our intentions to add more heart to our world throughout the new year.

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