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Add Heart Podcast

Add Heart Podcast

Refresh and Amplify Gratitude

Host Deborah Rozman and Guest Marci Shimoff

November 19, 2019 Episode #22 Add Heart Podcast Past Episodes

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This twenty-second official call is an excellent way to sustain your own personal heart-practices. We also hope it will be a supportive tool for you to offer to your clients, patients and colleagues.

There are moments that draw our appreciation. Acknowledgement for our efforts on a project, a warm smile from someone passing by, a surprisingly quick moving check-out line at the grocery store. We’re grateful for a beautiful day and for loved ones in our life. When we give appreciation to others it uplifts them and us. Appreciation and gratitude are qualities of the heart that bring happiness.

During this 30-minute live call, Deborah and guest Marci Shimoff, #1 New York Times Best-selling Author of Happy for No Reason, and Love for No Reason, discuss how we can refresh and amplify our gratitude and appreciation as a daily practice.

Marci shares how gratitude affects our happiness set-point, and why it’s so important to consciously practice appreciation or gratitude. They also discuss scientific research on the impact of gratitude on our health and offered several powerful daily practices that can increase our experience of gratitude in life.

They close the event with a heart-focused meditation to refresh our connection with gratitude and appreciation – and set our intention to energize these heart qualities.

Download Audio .MP3 14.2 MB(PC) Right-Click or (Mac) Ctrl-Click > Save Link As to download.

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