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Add Heart Podcast

Add Heart Podcast

Increase Patience with Our Self and Others

Host Deborah Rozman and Guest Charlene Johnson

June 15, 2021 Episode #41 Add Heart Podcast Past Episodes

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This forty-first official call is an excellent way to sustain your own personal heart-practices. We also hope it will be a supportive tool for you to offer to your clients, patients and colleagues.

Patience isn’t just a virtue – it’s a necessity, especially during times of change and uncertainty.

During this month’s Add Heart Call, host Deborah Rozman and guest Charlene Johnson, Nurse Manager of Perinatal Services at Kaiser South Sacramento, talk about why, in today’s uncertain energetic environment, it’s prime time to increase our patience baseline and make it an essential part of our new norm.

Charlene sees patience as a key component of resilience and shared why patience has been an important quality for her and the people she serves, especially throughout the past year of the pandemic.

Deborah shares an exercise we can all use to replace impatience with patience, and how as we replace impatience with inner ease and patience, our responses will play out with more balance, resilience, and clearer discernment.

They close the event with a heart-focused meditation to add heart to our intention to practice a deeper patience with our self and with others over the next month, and to creating a reservoir of heart energy we can each tap into whenever we need a patience booster.

Download Audio .MP3 22.7 MB(PC) Right-Click or (Mac) Ctrl-Click > Save Link As to download.

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